Power BI Charts

The following is the list of charts in Power BI that are available to work.

  1. Area Chart
  2. Bar Chart
  3. Card
  4. Clustered Bar Chart
  5. Clustered Column Chart
  6. Column Chart
  7. Donut Chart
  8. Funnel Chart
  9. Heat Map
  10. Line Chart
  11. Matrix
  12. Multi-Row Card
  13. Pie Chart
  14. Ribbon Chart
  15. Scatter Chart
  16. Stacked Bar Chart
  17. Table
  18. TreeMap
  19. Waterfall Chart
  20. Map
  21. Filled Map
  22. R Script
  23. 100% Stacked Column Chart
  24. 100% Stacked Bar Chart

Format Power BI Charts tutorial

The following section covers the formatting options for the data analytics charts.

  1. Format Area Chart
  2. Format Bar and Clustered Bar Chart
  3. Format Line & Clustered Column
  4. Format Line & Stacked Column
  5. Format Multi-Row Card
  6. Format Pie Chart
  7. Formatting Ribbon
  8. Format Stacked Area
  9. Formatting Scatter
  10. Format Stacked Bar
  11. Format Stacked Column

These are the list of frequently asked questions. Please visit the above mentioned list of charts hyperlink to learn these Power BI topics.

  1. Add Alternative Row Colors to a Table
  2. Add Data Bars to Table
  3. Drill up and Drill Down Reports
  4. Sort Chart in Asc or Desc Order
  5. Show Empty Records in a Report