MySQL Tutorial

This MySQL Tutorial explains everything about the Server. This MySQL tutorial section includes Database creation, modification, and deleting databases and tables. DML, DDL statements, Built-in functions etc.

  1. How to Download the MySQL
  2. Install on Windows
  3. Create Database
  4. Drop Database
  5. Create Table
  6. Drop Table
  7. Select Statement
  8. Where Clause
  9. Alias Names
  10. Group By Clause
  11. Having Clause
  12. Order By Clause
  13. Limit
  14. Insert Statement
  15. Delete Command
  16. Select Distinct Statement
  17. Truncate Table

MySQL Tutorial on Operators

Use this section to learn MySQL operators

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. AND
  3. NOT
  4. OR
  5. XOR
  6. Between
  7. Not Between
  9. LEAST
  10. LIKE
  11. NOT LIKE
  12. Coalesce
  13. IFNULL
  14. NULLIF
  15. Interval
  16. IN
  17. IS
  18. NOT IN
  19. IS NULL

Learn MySQL Joins

  1. Inner Join
  2. Left Join
  3. Right Join
  4. Cross Join

MySQL Tutorial on Functions

Please refer to the list of available MySQL Aggregates functions and an example of each.

This section covers the list of MySQL Date Functions to understand everything about these.

Learn about the MySQL String functions that are available. You can use the hyperlink to get the introduction and definitions of each and every one.

It explains to you the list of MySQL Mathematical and Trigonometric functions. Use this for numeric calculations.