C# is an Object Oriented Programming Language that Microsoft Dot Net supports. Usually, there are more than 30 languages supported by Dot Net. Among all those languages, C# is the most widely used language, and of course, it is right competitive for Java.
The essential features in C#
- Object Oriented Programming: Everything is in the form of classes and objects. Applications developed with Object-oriented programming is highly secured. Code re-usability is also a great advantage in it.
- Platform Independence: Applications developed using C# can run on multiple platforms. Platform Independence means we can execute an application on any machine irrespective of the operating system of the device.
As of the latest version in .Net, Microsoft is providing direct support for building applications that run on Windows phone, iPhone as well as Android phones.
- Language Independency: It is the sense of cross-language re-usability. Code written in C# can directly execute in any other Dot Net language.
C# Introduction
- Basic Program Structure
- Dot Net Framework
- Variables
- Constant
- Keywords
- Regex
- Built-in Data Types
- Nullable Types
- Value Types and Reference Types
- Data type Conversion
- Date and Time Format
- C# Enum or Enumerator
C# Operators
List of available Operators and the examples
- Operators Introduction
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Ternary Operator
- Unary Operators
- Null Coalescing operator
C# Control Flow Statements Tutorial
- If Statement
- If Else Statement
- Else If Statement
- Nested If Statements
- Break Statement
- Continue Statement
- goto statement
- Switch Case
- While Loop
- Do While Loop
- For Loop
- Foreach Loop