C# Logical Operators

The C# Logical Operators are used to perform logical operations on operands. Use these logical operators to analyze multiple conditions. For instance, to find the largest of the three numbers, we use a > b && a > c.

The logical Operator’s conditions are usually enclosed in the parenthesis. The following table shows logical operators in C#.

&&AND3 != 2 && 4==4 returns true
||OR4= =4 || 6 = = 6 returns true

&& Operator returns true if both the first and second condition is true.

|| returns true if either the first or second condition is true.

Here is the truth table for the C# Logical Operators && and || operations.

Operand 1Operand 2&& Operation|| Operation

C# Logical operators Example

Let us see an example of the C# logical operators. x = 10 and y = 15 are the two integer variables, and the result is the boolean variable.

using System;
 class Logical_OPerators
     static void Main()
         int x = 10;
         int y = 15;
         bool result;
         result = (x == 10) && (y < 10);
         Console.WriteLine("x && y is {0}", result);
         result = (x == 10) || (y < 10);
         Console.WriteLine("x || y is {0}", result);
C# Logical Operators 1


We have assigned x to 10, i.e., x = 10 and y to 15, i.e., y = 15.

Next, x ==10 returns true, y < 10 returns false. Comparing both the results, i.e., True && False returns False.

Now coming to ||, x = = 10 returns true, y < 10 returns false. As per the truth table, True || False returns True.

Categories C#