The C# Bitwise operators only applied to numbers. Before these operators work on the given input(number), the system converts that number from decimal to binary. And then, the C# bitwise operator performs its action on bits(binary). And then finally, the result is displayed for us in decimal form after converting bits into decimal.
Input(decimal) ->(decimal to binary) -> C# bitwise operators perform the necessary action on bits -> Bits converted to decimal -> result is displayed in decimal form.
Symbol | Operation | Example |
& | Bitwise AND | 16 & 10 =0 |
| | Bitwise OR | 16 | 10 =26 |
~ | Bitwise Complement | ~16= -17 |
^ | Exclusive OR | 16 ^ 10=26 |
Let us see the truth table for these C# bitwise operators.
X | y | x & y | x | y | x ^ y |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
C# Bitwise Operators Example
The following example shows you the working functionality of all the bitwise operators.
using System; class Bitwise_Operators { static void Main() { int x = 16; int y = 10; int result; result = ~x; Console.WriteLine("~{0} is {1}", x, result); result = x & y; Console.WriteLine("{0} & {1} = {2}", x, y, result); result = x | y; Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1} = {2}", x, y, result); result = x ^ y; Console.WriteLine("{0} ^ {1} = {2}", x, y, result); } }
x = 16 and y = 10
The C# Bitwise operations were performed as follows:
First, 16 and 10 are converted into bits and the binary form of 16 is 10000, and 10 is 1010.
~(16) is -17, which is the two’s complement of 16.
10000 & 01010 is 00000 – The result is 0
10000 | 01010 is 11010 – The decimal form of 11010 is 26
10000 ^ 01010 is 11010 – The decimal form of 11010 is 26
C# Shift Operators
The C# Bitwise Shift operators move bit positions. It means bit positions of the left operand are shifted to either left or right, number of positions specified in the right operand. C# enables a bit shifting with the right shift (>>) and left shift (<<) operators.
Shift Operators | Operation | Example |
>> | Right Shift Operation | 16 >> 3 is |
<< | Left Shift Operation | 16 << 2 |
Let us see an example code using these Bitwise shift operators.
C# Bitwise Left and Right Shift Operators Example
using System; class Shift_Operators { static void Main() { int x = 16; int result; result = x >> 3; Console.WriteLine("{0} >> 3 is {1}", x, result); result = x << 2; Console.WriteLine("{0} << 2 is {1}", x, result); } }
16 >> 3 is 2
16 << 2 is 64
In the above code
16 >> 3, The binary form of 16 is 0001 0000
10000 is shifted three digits towards the right, i.e., 0000 0010, whose decimal value is 2.
16 << 2, After shifting the binary form of 16, i.e., 0001 0000, by 2 digits towards the left, the result is 0100 0000, whose decimal form is 64.