C# Basic Example Program

This section shows the C# basic program example and explains the program structure line by line.

Before we get into the complete tutorial, let us understand the basic structure of the C# program example.

using System;
 class Program
     static void Main()
         string PrintMessage = "First C# Program";

The above C# example program belongs to a basic or simple Console application. Here, I want to print a simple message “First C# Program” on a command prompt window.

Console.WriteLine() —This is the print statement in this language.

Here, Console is a class derived from the System Namespace, whereas WriteLine() is a method in the Console class.

The System is the Namespace, which is a collection of various things like classes, enums, structs, interfaces, delegates, etc. Even a Namespace can contain other Namespaces.

Instead of using namespaces, we can even use fully qualified names in the declaration. i.e., System.Console.WriteLine();

Program is a Class Name in which we are writing the code.

What we have done in this C# Basic Example Program is that we have taken a string (Data type) variable PrintMessage and stored a message in it. And finally printed that message through that variable on the Console.

Here is our output showing on the Console.

C# Basic Example Program 1

There are two ways to write onto a C# Console and we show both of them in the coming examples.

C# Basic Example Program using Concatenation

We write a C# program asking the user to enter the course name. And then printing a message to the Console after reading the course name from the Console.

using System;

   class Program
     static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("Enter the Course Name");
       string Course = Console.ReadLine();
       Console.WriteLine("Welcome to " + Course);


C# Basic Example Program 2

Here Console.ReadLine() reads the course name from the user, i.e., C# Programming Tutorial. Next, we are storing that text in a string variable, course, for printing purposes.

We are concatenating the string “Welcome to” with the text taken from the user. i.e., C# Programming Tutorial using ‘+’(the concatenating or arithmetic plus operator).

C# Basic Example Program using Place holder syntax

Instead of concatenating them, we can use placeholder syntax for printing the string as the output.

Console.WriteLine("Welcome to {0} ", course);

Here, the text read from the string variable course will get substituted in the place ‘{0}’.

In the real-time environment, mostly placeholder syntax is preferred for printing onto the Console programs.

using System;
   class Program
     static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("Enter the First Name");
       string FirstName = Console.ReadLine();
       Console.WriteLine("Enter the Last Name");
       string LastName = Console.ReadLine();
     Console.WriteLine("Welcome to {0} {1}", FirstName, LastName);


C# Basic Example Program Read User Inputs 3
Categories C#