Format Power BI Pie Chart

How to Format Power BI Pie Chart with examples?. Formatting Power BI Pie Chart includes changing the Legend and Title position, Slice and background Colors etc.

To demonstrate these formatting options, we are going to use the Pie Chart that we created earlier. Please refer Pie Chart article to understand the steps involved in creating Power BI Pie Chart.

How to Format Power BI Pie Chart

Please click on the Format button to see the list of available formatting options for this Pie Chart.

Format Power BI Pie Chart 1

Format Legend of a Power Bi Pie Chart

To display the Legend, Please select the Legend region and change the option from Off to On. From the below screenshot, you can see the legend.

Format Power BI Pie Chart 2

Legend Position: Use the drop-down box to change the Pie Chart legend position as per your requirements. For now, we are selecting the Top Center.

Change Legend Position 3

Title: Toggle on to display Legend title i.e EnglishCountryRegionName
Legend Name: You can change the Legend name. Here, we are changing its Country names
Color: Use the Color pallet to add color to legend

legend Colors 4

As you can see from the below screenshot, we changed the Font family to Comic Sans, and font size to 14

Format Power BI Pie Chart 5

Format Data Colors of a Power BI Pie Chart

Data Colors means changing the Slice Colors. Use this section to change the default slice colors to the required ones.

data Colors 6

For the demonstration purpose, we changed the France Color to Violet.

Format Power BI Pie Chart 7

Format Detail labels of a Power BI Pie Chart

Detail labels also called data labels. Use this section to format the slice information.

Format Power BI Pie Chart 8

Label Style: By default, it displays the Category (Column Value) as the Label. Here we are changing it to All details labels. It means each slice shows the information about the Filed Name, Sales Amount, and Percentage of Total.

Change Details Labels style 9

Let me change the Color of a Label to Green. You can also change the Display Units from Auto to Millions or Trillions.

Change Display Units Colors 10

We changed the Decimal Values for Amount and Percentage of Total to 2, Font family to Comic Sans, and Text size to 12

Change Decimal Values and Percentage decimal values 11

From the screenshot below, you can see all the changes that we made so far.

Format Power BI Pie Chart 12

Format Title of a Power Bi Pie Chart

To display the Pie Chart Title, Please select the Title, and change the option from Off to On.

Format Power BI Pie Chart 13

As you can see from the below screenshot, we change the Title Text, Color, Font style, Font Size, and Title Alignment to center.

Format Power BI Pie Chart 14

Add Background Color to Pie Chart in Power BI

By toggling the Background option to On, it allows you to add the Background color to Pie Chart. For demonstration purposes, we are adding a background color. Here, you can change the Transparency percentage as well.

Format Power BI Pie Chart 15

Add Border Colors to Pie Chart in Power BI

By toggling the Border option to On allows you to add Borders to Pie Chart. For demonstration purposes, we are adding Green color as the Border color.

Format Power BI Pie Chart 16

Use the General Section to Change the X, Y position, and Width and height of a Pie Chart

Format Power BI Pie Chart 17

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