This SQL Server article covers some faqs, interview questions, and advanced topics. The following is a list of frequently asked interview questions in this language.
- Get Database Names
- Get Table Names from the Database
- Get Column Names from Table
- Swap Column Values
- Check if a Table Exists
- Identity Value Jumps after restarting
- Find all Dependencies on Table
- Find all tables that Contain Specific Column Name
- Rename Table Name and Column Name
Basic Connections and Configurations
- Connect to SQL Server using sqlcmd utility
- Create ODBC Connection
- Create ODBC Using Native Client
- Connecting to R programming
- Configure Database Mail
- Create Native Client 11.0 Connection
- Login Errors
SQL Interview Questions on Date and Time
- Difference between DATEPART and DATENAME
- Difference between UNION and UNION ALL
- Differentiate between CTE, Temp, Derived, Tbl Variables
SQL Interview Questions on Groups
- Count Records in a Group
- Retrieve the Last Record in each Group
- Select Top N Records for each Category
- Select the First Row in each group
Select, Insert, Update, and Delete
- Delete Duplicate Rows
- Insert values into the Identity Column using IDENTITY INSERT
- Insert Stored Procedure result into Temporary tbl
- How to Insert Images
- Select Rows with Maximum Value on a Column
- Select All If the Parameter is Empty or NULL
- UPDATE Columns from SELECT
SQL Interview Questions on Strings
- Concatenate Rows into String
- Replace String in a Column
- Reverse String Words
- Select Domain From Email
Misc queries
- Data
- Calculating Running Total
- Convert Rows into Columns without applying PIVOT
- Convert Column Names into Rows without using UNPIVOT
- Export Data to CSV
- Nth Highest Salary
- Automatically Backup Database