How to write a Query to Insert Stored Procedure result into Temporary Table in SQL Server with example. For this Interview Question, we are going to use the below shown data. Data present in the Employee table inside our Tutorial database.
In this SQL Server example, we are going to use the below shown Stored procedure that will SELECT all the records from the Employee table
-- Insert Stored Procedure result into Temporary Table Example IF OBJECT_ID ( 'SelectStoredProcedureFirstExample', 'P' ) IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE SelectStoredProcedureFirstExample; GO CREATE PROCEDURE SelectStoredProcedureFirstExample AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT [FirstName] + ' ' + [LastName] AS [Full Name] ,[Education] ,[Occupation] ,[YearlyIncome] ,[Sales] ,[HireDate] FROM [Employee] END GO
Command(s) completed successfully.
I suggest you refer both the Stored Procedure and Temporary Table articles to get the basic idea. And also refer Select Statement.
Insert Stored Procedure result into Temporary Table in SQL Example 1
In this SQL Server example, we will create a Temporary Table. Next, we are going to use the INSERT INTO SELECT Statement to insert the Stored Procedure result into Temporary Table
-- Insert Stored Procedure result into Temporary Table Example -- Creating Temporary Table CREATE TABLE #Employee( [FullName] [nvarchar](650) NULL, [Education] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [Occupation] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [YearlyIncome] [float] NULL, [Sales] [float] NULL, [HireDate] [datetime] NULL ) GO --Inserting Records from Stored procedure to Temporary Table INSERT INTO #Employee EXEC SelectStoredProcedureFirstExample GO -- Selecting Records from Temporary Table SELECT * FROM #Employee
Insert Stored Procedure result into Temporary Table in SQL Example 2
In this Frequently Asked Question, we use the SELECT INTO Statement, and OPENROWSET to insert the Stored Procedure result into Temporary Table
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; RECONFIGURE; GO sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1; RECONFIGURE; GO --Inserting Records from Stored procedure to Temporary Table SELECT * INTO #Employee FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=(local);Trusted_Connection=yes;', 'EXEC dbo.SelectStoredProcedureFirstExample') -- Selecting Records from Temporary Table SELECT * FROM #Employee