SQL Concatenate Rows into String

How to write a query to Concatenate Rows in SQL Server to form a String with an example?. It is one of the common Interview Questions that you might face in interviews. For this concat rows example, We use the below-shown data.

Table Data 1

SQL Concatenate Rows into String Example

In this example, we will show you how to Concatenate Rows using the COALESCE Function.

DECLARE @LongStringFirstNames VARCHAR(MAX)  
SELECT @LongStringFirstNames = COALESCE(@LongStringFirstNames + ', ', '') + [FirstName] FROM [Customers]
SELECT @LongStringFirstNames AS [List of Name]
using the COALESCE Function 2

Let me combine the Last Name rows as well

DECLARE @LongStringFirstNames VARCHAR(MAX)
SELECT @LongStringFirstNames = COALESCE(@LongStringFirstNames + ', ', '') + [FirstName] FROM [Customers]  
SELECT @LongStringLastNames = COALESCE(@LongStringLastNames + ', ', '') + [LastName] FROM [Customers]
SELECT @LongStringFirstNames AS [List of First Name],
       @LongStringLastNames AS [List of Last Name]
SQL Concatenate Rows into String 3

How to Concatenate Rows into strings using SQL Server concat function?

It will show you, How to Concatenate Rows into strings using the CONCAT Function.

DECLARE @LongStringFirstNames VARCHAR(MAX)
SELECT @LongStringFirstNames = CONCAT(@LongStringFirstNames + ', ', '') + [FirstName] FROM [Customers]  
SELECT @LongStringFirstNames AS [List of First Name]
Using Concat Function 4

Let me concatenate the Last Name rows as well

DECLARE @LongStringFirstNames VARCHAR(MAX)
SELECT @LongStringFirstNames = CONCAT(@LongStringFirstNames + ', ', '') + [FirstName] FROM [Customers]  
SELECT @LongStringLastNames = CONCAT(@LongStringLastNames + ', ', '') + [LastName] FROM [Customers]
SELECT @LongStringFirstNames AS [List of First Name],
	   @LongStringLastNames AS [List of Last Name]
SQL Concatenate Rows into String 5

Concatenate Rows into String using space and XML PATH

In this example, we will show you, How to Concat Rows in SQL Server using the SPACE and XML PATH.

    SELECT ',' + SPACE(1) + [FirstName]
    FROM [Customers]
    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '')
	AS [List Of First Names]
Using Stuff and Space 6

Let me combine the rows from two columns (First Name and Last Name) using the SQL stuff function and For XML path.

    SELECT ',' + SPACE(1) + [FirstName],
	   ',' + SPACE(1) + [LastName]
    FROM [Customers]
    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '')
	AS [List Of Names]
SQL Concatenate Rows into String using stuff and for xml path 7
Categories SQL