How to write a query to UPDATE columns in a table by using the SELECT statement with an example? This Update from Select in SQL server is one of the Frequently Asked Questions. For this example, We are going to use the below shown data.
The below table will show the data present in the Employee Duplicate table. Our task is to update the columns (firstname, lastname, and Yearly Income) in this table with the above-specified table.
How to UPDATE from SELECT in SQL Server Example?
In this example, we will show you how to update from the select statement using Subquery.
UPDATE [EmployeeDuplicates] SET [YearlyIncome] = ( SELECT [YearlyIncome] FROM [Employee] WHERE [Employee].EmpID = [EmployeeDuplicates].EmpID) GO
(14 row(s) affected)
Now let me show you the SQL Server Updated table
How to UPDATE from SELECT Example 2
The above-specified example might be an excellent option to update a single column. In this update select example, let us see how we can make an UPDATE statement with JOIN in SQL Server.
UPDATE [EmpDup] SET [EmpDup].[FirstName] = [Emp].[FirstName], [EmpDup].[LastName] = [Emp].[LastName], [EmpDup].[YearlyIncome] = [Emp].[YearlyIncome] FROM [EmployeeDuplicates] AS [EmpDup] INNER JOIN [Employee] AS [Emp] ON [EmpDup].EmpID = [Emp].EmpID WHERE [EmpDup].EmpID = [Emp].EmpID GO
Now let me show you the Updated table
In this example, we show you how to update the table columns using the Select statement. Here, we are using the Subquery at FROM statement.
UPDATE [EmployeeDuplicates] SET [FirstName] = [Emp].[FirstName], [LastName] = [Emp].[LastName], [YearlyIncome] = [Emp].[YearlyIncome] FROM (SELECT EmpID, [FirstName], [LastName], [YearlyIncome] FROM [Employee] ) [Emp] WHERE [EmployeeDuplicates].EmpID = [Emp].EmpID GO
Now let me show you the Updated table
How to UPDATE from SELECT in SQL Server Example 4
In this example, we will show you, How to update the table columns from the Select statement using the MERGE Statement in Sql Server.
MERGE INTO [EmployeeDuplicates] AS [EmpDup] USING ( SELECT EmpID, [FirstName], [LastName], [YearlyIncome] FROM [Employee] ) [Emp] ON [EmpDup].EmpID = [Emp].EmpID WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET [EmpDup].[FirstName] = [Emp].[FirstName], [EmpDup].[LastName] = [Emp].[LastName], [EmpDup].[YearlyIncome] = [Emp].[YearlyIncome];
Run the above merge update from the select query
(14 row(s) affected)
Now let me show you the Updated table using this update from the select statement.