Tableau Filters on Dimensions

In this article, we will show you how to create Tableau filters on Dimensions with examples. For this Tableau Filters on Dimensions demo, we will use the data source we created in our previous article. So, Please refer to the Data Labels in Reports article to understand the Data Source.

Before getting into this, Please refer to Filters to understand the basic filter techniques in Tableau.

First, Drag and Drop the English Product Name from the Dimension Region to the Rows Shelf and the Sales Amount Measures region to the Columns Shelf. By default, it will generate the Bar Chart. Please remember that we have 130 Marks in our Report

Tableau Filters on Dimensions

In this Tableau Filters on Dimensions example, we will add a filter condition on the Product Name. First, Please drag and drop the Product Name from Dimension Region to Filters Shelf.

Add Product the Filters Shelf

Once you drop the Product Name into the Filters Shelf, a new Filter window will open, as shown in the third image. This window has four tabs: General, Wildcard, Condition, and Top.

This Tableau Filters on Dimensions article will explain the first two tabs and basic conditions. The remaining two will be explained in separate articles.

Second Approach to Create Tableau Filters on Dimensions

In this example, we will add a filter condition to the English Product Name. First, please click on the down arrow beside the Product Name present in the Row Shelf, which will open the menu. Here, you have to select the Filter.. option.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 4

Once you select the Filter.. option, a new window opens to create Tableau Filters on Dimensions.

General Tab in Tableau Filters

The following is the list of options available in this Tableau Filters on the Dimensions General Tab:

  1. Select from the List: By default, this radio button is selected. When selected, this property displays all the records (rows) present in that dimension (Product Name).
  2. Custom Value List: Here, you can write custom values.
  3. Use All: This option is to select all the records. There is nothing to do here.
  4. All: This button will select all the records present in this window.
  5. None: This button will DE-select all the records present in this window.
  6. Exclude: If you checkmark this option, it will exclude all the records that you selected here.

For the Tableau Filters on Dimensions demonstration purpose, we unchecked a few random records and clicked the Apply button. Here, the Apply button will automatically reflect the report without closing the Filter window.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 6

From the below screenshot, you can see that the previously unchecked records are not displaying the report. Let me uncheck a few more records, click OK to apply the changes, and close the window.

Uncheck unwanted items

Now, you can see the dimension filters applied in the Tableau bar chart. The best part is the English product Name dimension has appeared on Filters Shelf.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 8
Custom Value List

Selecting this radio button will display an empty text box to search or add text. Filter conditions will apply to the data that we add here.

From the screenshot below, you can observe that we added two records for Tableau Filters on Dimensions.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 10

Let me add a few more records to this custom list. Please refer to the first image under the Exclude section to see those list of items. Once you have completed, click Apply, click the OK button to apply the changes, and close the window.

Now, you can see that the report displays four records that we added to the customs value list.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 12

Let me edit the Tableau Filters on Dimensions that we created and checkmark the Exclude option.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 13

It means displaying all the records in the English Product Name dimension except those four records.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 14

Wildcard Tab in Tableau Dimension Filters

The following is the list of options available in this general Tab:

  1. Match Value: Enter the Text and value you want to use in the Wildcard search.
  2. Contains: By default, this radio button is selected. When selected, this property will check each record against the Match Value. The record will be displayed if it contains the match value at any position. Otherwise, it will ignore that record.
  3. Starts With: It will check each record against the Match Value. If the record starts with the match value, the record will be displayed. Otherwise, it will ignore that record.
  4. Ends With: If the record ends with the match value, the record will be displayed. Otherwise, it will ignore that record.
  5. Exactly Matches: It will check each record against the Match Value. If the record matches exactly with the match value, it will be displayed; otherwise, it will ignore that record.
  6. Exclude: If you checkmark this option, it will exclude all the selected records.

For the Tableau Dimensions Filter demonstration purpose, we are using the Mountain keyword.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 16

From the screenshot below, you can observe that the report is displaying all the records that contain the Mountain keyword.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 17

Let me change the Tableau Dimensions Filters option from Contains to Stats with and the Match value as the Mountain. Now, our report displays all the records in the English Product Name dimension whose name starts with the Mountain keyword.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 19

Let me change the option from Stats with to End with and change the Match value from Mountain to integer 2.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 20

Now, our report displays all the records in the English Product Name dimension, whose name ends with integer 2.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 21

Condition Tab in Tableau Filters on Dimensions

We will explain all the options in the next article and consider this section as the introduction. From the below screenshot, you can observe that we are selecting the By filed section. Next, we selected the Sales Amount as the condition and used the >= operator. And lastly, we added a 1,000,000 value in the text box.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 23

The below report displays all the records whose SUM(Sales Amount) is greater than or equal to 1,000,000.

Tableau Filters on Dimensions 24

The following is the list of remaining filters.

  1. Conditional Filters
  2. Context Filters
  3. Data Source Filters
  4. Extract Filters
  5. Filters on Measures
  6. Quick Filters
  7. Selection Filter
  8. Slicing Filters
  9. Top and Bottom Filters
  10. Keep and Exclude Filters
  11. Action Filters
  12. Parameters
  13. String Parameters