Tableau Go to URL Action

This article explains how to create and use the Tableau Go to URL action filter with an example. The Go to URL action filter is a hyperlink (web address) pointing to the standard URLs like Google, Tutorial Gateway, etc, files, email, or any other web resources outside the Tableau desktop. It allows you to use … Read more

Add Trend Lines in Tableau

This article explains how to use trend lines in Tableau with an example. Trend Lines help visualize the trends in the data—for instance, sales trends, profit trends, etc. You can use them to check the ups and downs and quickly make decisions. To demonstrate the addition of the Trend Lines in Tableau, we used the … Read more

Tableau Radar Chart

Tableau Radar Chart is helpful to show which measure value is high or low and helps to see the performance of the key categories or state sales. A radar Chart uses the center as the string point and draws the measure values using a certain angle. This article will show you how to use the … Read more

Tableau Control Chart

The control chart in Tableau helps study the sales or profit changes over time. It always has an average line (Central), the upper control line for the upper limit (Maximum), and the lower control line for the lower limit (Minimum). One can consider the values above the upper control and below the lower control as … Read more

Calculate the Date Difference in Tableau

This Tableau article shows the steps in calculating the Date difference between the Order date and ship date in each state with an example. To demonstrate the Tableau Date Difference Calculation, we used the Sample Superstore Excel sheet. Please visit the Excel Source article to understand the Data Source. How do you calculate the date … Read more

Tableau Pyramid Chart

The Tableau Pyramid Chart is a triangle divided into different layers or sections (steps). Each section is a dimension, and its size depends on the measured value. For instance, a Product subcategory can be a layer, and its sales decide the size of that section. This article shows how to create a Tableau Pyramid Chart … Read more

Tableau NULL functions

In Tableau, NULLs are the significant roadblocks while performing analysis. Because of them, the results might need to be corrected or meaningful. So, it is mandatory to deal with NULL values before analyzing the data. Tableau provides multiple functions to deal with NULL values, each with its own significance. In this article, we will show … Read more

Extract Date from Integer in Tableau

Generally, the date field of the data we analyze will be either in string, integer, or date format. If it is in the string or integer format, you must extract the date with conversions or a built-in Tableau function. This Tableau article shows the steps to extract date from the integer column with a practical … Read more

Tableau ISNULL function

The Tableau ISNULL is one of the logical functions that will check whether the given expression is NULL or not. If the expression is NULL, it will return True; Otherwise, it will return False. If you combine this ISNULL function with another logical function, NOT, the result will be exactly the opposite.  This Tableau article … Read more

Tableau IFNULL Function

The Tableau IFNULL is one of the logical functions that will replace the existing NULL values with the user-specified value. The IFNULL function checks whether the column value is NULL; if it is null, it will replace it with a user-specific value. Otherwise, it returns the column value. This article will show you how to … Read more