Power BI DAX MIN Function

The Power BI MIN function is a DAX aggregate function used to find and return the smallest value in a given column or between two given scalar expressions. This article explains how the DAX MIN function compares the two expressions or all column values and returns the smallest value.

The syntax of the Power BI DAX MIN function is as shown below:


MIN(Expression 1, Expression 2)

Apart from the above, the MIN function also works on string columns. It uses the alphabetical order to compare and return the smallest.

Power BI DAX MIN Function

To work with the MIN function, click the New Measure button within the Home tab to write the expression and rename it per the needs. Name the MINSales and type M after the equals operator to see the suggestions. Please refer to the Aggregate and DAX functions article for the remaining Power BI functions.

Create a New Measure to write expression

To demonstrate the DAX MIN() function, let me use the Sales column from the Employee table to obtain the Minimum Sales. Please click the down arrow beside the numeric fields and Choose the Don’t Summarize option. The final expression (New Measure) generated by the desktop or written manually is.

MinSales = MIN(Employee[Sales])
Click MIN to see the definition

Let me create a card with the lowest sale value and a Bar chart to show the Minimum sales by Occupation result. For more charts >> Click Here!

Power BI DAX MIN Function result on Card and Bar Chart

Power BI DAX MIN function with two arguments

As mentioned earlier, you can use the MIN function with two scalar expressions to find the Minimum one. Let me create a new column to demonstrate the MIN function with two arguments. The calculated column helps work on the individual row levels.

Go to the Modeling, Home, or Column Tools Tab and click the New Column button to use the MIN function on string columns. Remember to click the Apply button. Please refer to the New Measure and New Column articles. 

MinName = MIN(Employee[FirstName], Employee[LastName])
Power BI DAX MIN function on String Column

Let me create a Calculated column to use the MIN function to find the smallest value between the actual sales and the Target value. Remember to click the confirm button.

SalesTarget = MIN(Employee[Sales], Employee[Target])
Power BI DAX MIN function with two arguments

The DAX MIN function expression below (New Column) compares each Employee Sales row against the sales average. It returns the lowest among the original sales and their average. If you notice the performance column, you can see multiple values of 1853.08. Because it is average, and the sales for that particular row are higher than average.

MINvsAVG = MIN(Employee[Sales], AVERAGE(Employee[Sales]))
Power BI DAX MIN function to compare with average