Tableau Math Functions

Tableau provides various Math and Trigonometric Functions to perform mathematical operations on our data. They are FLOOR, CEILING, ABS, DIV, POWER, SQRT, SQUARE, MIN, MAX, SIN, COS, TAN, ACOS, ASIN, ATAN, ATAN2, LN, LOG, etc. In this article, we show how to use Math Functions with examples.

To demonstrate these Tableau Math Functions, we are going to use the data shown below. As you can see, there are nine records in this table.

Remember, this is an Excel Worksheet. So, Please refer to the Connecting to the Excel Files article to understand the connection settings.

Tableau Math Functions 1

Tableau Math Functions

The following examples will show you the list of Math Functions.


The Tableau ABS math function is used to return the absolute positive value, and the syntax of this ABS is:


To demonstrate these math functions, we use Calculated Fields. To create a calculated field, navigate to the Analysis Tab, and select the Create Calculated Field… option.

Tableau Math Functions 2

Once you click on the Create Calculated Field… option, the following window will open. Here, we renamed the default calculation name as ABS.

The below statement will find the Absolute values of the Service Grade.

ABS([Service Grade])
Tableau ABS Function 3

Let me add this ABS field to an existing table (by dragging a field to Measures Shelf). Please refer Create Table Report article to understand the process of creating a table

Tableau ABS Function 4

Tableau ACOS function

The Tableau ACOS function calculates the Arc cosine of a given number, and the syntax of this ACOS is:


The below ACOS statement will find the ArcCosine of Service Grade

ACOS([Service Grade])
Tableau ACOS 5


Tableau ASIN function will calculate the Arc sine of a given number, and the syntax of this ASIN is:


The following statement finds the Arcsine of Service Grade

ASIN([Service Grade])
Tableau asin 6


Tableau ATAN function is used to calculate the Arc Tangent of a given number, and the syntax of this ATAN is:


Below statement will find the Arc Tangent of Service Grade

ATAN([Service Grade])
Tableau ATAN Example

Tableau SIN Function

Tableau SIN function is used to calculate the Sine value, and the syntax of this SIN is:


It will find the Sine value of the Service Grade

SIN([Service Grade])
Tableau sin 8


Tableau TAN function is to calculate the Tangent value, and the syntax of this TAN is:


The below statement will find the Tangent value of Service Grade

TAN([Service Grade])

Let me add this TAN field to the Measures shelf

Tableau tan 9


Tableau COS function will calculate the Cosine value, and the syntax of this COS is:


It will find the Cosine value of the Service Grade

COS([Service Grade])
Tableau cos 10


Tableau ATAN2 function is to calculate the arc Tangent of two given numbers, and the syntax of this ATAN2 is:

ATAN2(y_number, x_number)

The below statement will find the Arc Tangent value of the Sales amount and Standard cost.

ATAN2([Standard Cost], [Sales Amount])
Tableau atan2 11


Tableau COT math function will calculate the Cotangent value, and the syntax of this COT is:


It will find the Cotangent value of Service Grade

COT([Service Grade])
Tableau cot 12

Tableau DEGREES Function

The Tableau Degrees function will convert Radians to Degrees, and the syntax of this Degrees is:


It will convert the Radiant value in Service Grade to degrees

DEGREES([Service Grade])

Let me add this Degrees field to the Measures shelf

Tableau degree Function 13

Tableau RADIANS Function

The Tableau RADIANS function will convert Degrees to Radians, and the syntax of this Radians is:


It will convert the value of the degree in Sales Amount to Radians.

RADIANS([Service Grade])

Let me add this Radians field to the Measures shelf

Tableau radians Function 14

Tableau EXP Function

The EXP function returns e raised to the power of the user-specified number, and the syntax of this EXP is:


It finds e power service grade

EXP([Service Grade])

Let me add this EXP field to the Measures shelf.

Tableau EXP Function 15

Tableau math SQUARE Function

The Tableau Square function finds the square of a given number, and the syntax of this math Square Function is:


It will find out the square of the tax amount

SQUARE([Tax Amt])

Let me add this SQUARE field to the Measures shelf.

Tableau square Function 16

Tableau SQRT Function

The Tableau Sqrt function finds the square root of a given number, and the syntax of this math Sqrt is:


It will find the square root of the Sales amount

SQRT([Sales Amount])

Let me add this SQRT field to the Measures shelf

Tableau math sqrt Function 17

Tableau ROUND Function

The Tableau math Round function returns the nearest integer value. It accepts the second argument (optional) to specify the number of decimals. The syntax of this Round Function is:

ROUND(Number, no_of_decimals)

For example,

  • ROUND(248.6759) = 249
  • ROUND(248.6759, 1 ) = 248.7
  • ROUND(248.6759, 2 ) = 248.68

The below statement will round the Standard Cost values to the nearest integer

ROUND([Standard Cost])

Let me add this ROUND field to the Measures shelf

Tableau round Function 18

Tableau math CEILING Function

The Tableau Ceiling function returns the closest integer value, which is greater than or equal to a given value. The syntax of this Ceiling Function is:


The below statement will find the closest integer value that is greater than or equal to the Standard Cost

CEILING([Standard Cost])

Let me add this CEILING field to the Measures shelf

Tableau ceiling Function 19

Tableau FLOOR Function

The Tableau math Floor function is used to return the closest integer value, which is less than or equal to a given value. The syntax of this Floor Function is:


The below Floor statement will find the closest integer value that is less than or equal to the Standard Cost

FLOOR([Standard Cost])
Tableau math floor Function 20

Tableau SIGN Function

The Sign function is handy for finding the integer Sign. This function returns

  • +1  = Positive Value
  • -1 = Negative values
  • 0 = for zeros.

The syntax of this Tableau Sign Function is:


The Sign function will find the sign of a Service Grade records

SIGN([Service Grade])
Tableau math sign Function 21

Tableau PI Function

The PI returns a numeric value of 3.14, and the syntax is:


It will divide the PI value, i.e., 3.14, with Service Grade values. Let me add this PI field to the Measures shelf

PI() / [Service Grade]
Tableau pi Function 22

Tableau POWER Function

This function is used to find the Power of a given number. Use the second argument to specify the Power. The syntax of this Tableau math Power Function is:

POWER(Number, power)

For example Power(2, 3) = 2³. It will find the Sales Amount raised to the power of 2

POWER([Sales Amount], 2)

Let me add this Power field to the Measures shelf

Tableau power Function 23


The Tableau LN function is used to find the natural logarithmic value of a given number, and the syntax of this LN is:


It will find the natural logarithmic value of Sales Amount

LN([Sales Amount])
Tableau LN Function 24


The Tableau LOG function is used to find the logarithmic value of a given number for a specified base. Here, the second argument is optional, and its default value is 10. The syntax of this LOG is:

LOG(Number, base)

It will find the logarithmic value of Sales Amount for base 5

LOG([Sales Amount], 5)

Let me add this LOG field to the Measures shelf

Tableau log Function 25


The Tableau DIV function divides one number by another, and the syntax of this DIV is:

DIV(integer, integer)

The following DIV statement divides the Sales Amount by 5

DIV(INT([Sales Amount]), 5)
Tableau math div Function 26