Power BI DAX String Functions

Let me show you how to use Power BI DAX String Functions with examples. Microsoft Power BI DAX provides various String Functions such as LEN, LEFT, RIGHT, LOWER, UPPER, MID, SUBSTITUTE, FORMAT, CONCATENATE, CONCATENATEX, REPT, UNICHAR, VALUES, etc.

To demonstrate these Power BI DAX String functions, we are going to use the below shown data. As you can see, there are 15 records in this table.

DAX String Functions 1

Power BI DAX String Functions

The following series of examples show you the list of DAX String Functions.

DAX LEN Function

The DAX Now function returns the length of a given string. The syntax of this Power BI DAX LEN is


To demonstrate these DAX String functions in Power BI, we have to use the calculated column. To create a column, please click on the New Column option under the Home tab, or Modeling tab.

DAX String Functions 2

As you can see from the screenshot below, we renamed the default column name as LEN. The below statement finds the length of a character string in the Department name column.

LEN = LEN(EmployeeSales[Department Name])

Let me add this DAX LEN column to the table that we created earlier. Please refer to the Create Table Report article to understand the steps involved in creating a table

DAX LEN Function

DAX LEFT Function

The Power BI DAX LEFT function returns the leftmost characters from a string up to a specified index position. The DAX LEFT Function syntax is

LEFT(string, position)

The below statement returns the leftmost 8 characters from the Department name column

LEFT = LEFT(EmployeeSales[Department Name], 8)
DAX String left Function

DAX RIGHT Function

The Power BI DAX RIGHT function returns the rightmost characters from a string up to a specified index position. The syntax of the DAX RIGHT Function is

RIGHT(string, position)

It returns the rightmost 6 characters from the Department name column.

RIGHT = RIGHT(EmployeeSales[Department Name], 6)
DAX String right Function

Power BI DAX LOWER Function

The DAX LOWER function converts the given string of characters to lowercase. The syntax of the DAX LOWER Function is


The following DAX lower function converts the Department name column into lowercase

LOWER = LOWER(EmployeeSales[Department Name])
DAX String LOWER Function

DAX UPPER Function

The Power BI DAX UPPER function converts the given string into uppercase. The DAX UPPER Function syntax is


The below DAX upper function converts the Department name column string into uppercase

UPPER = UPPER(EmployeeSales[Department Name])
DAX String UPPER Function

DAX MID Function

The Power BI DAX MID function returns a substring from the original string. The syntax of the DAX MID Function is

MID(string, starting_position, length)

This DAX MID function accepts three arguments:

  • Starting position – Substring start from this position
  • Length – Total length of a substring.

It returns a substring from the Department Name column. The substring starts at position no 4 and ends when the string length reaches 7.

MID = MID(EmployeeSales[Department Name], 4, 7)
DAX MID Function

Power BI DAX REPT Function

The Power BI DAX REPT function repeats a string for the user-specified number of times. The syntax of the DAX REPT Function is:

REPT(string, no_of_times)

It repeats the data in the LastName column for 2 times.

REPT = REPT(EmployeeSales[LastName], 2)
DAX REPT Function to repeat string


The Power BI DAX SUBSTITUTE function replaces the string with the user-specified value or substring. The syntax of this DAX SUBSTITUTE Function is:

SUBSTITUTE(string, old_string, new_string)

It replaces the Software word with Web inside the Department Name column values

SUBSTITUTE = SUBSTITUTE(EmployeeSales[Department Name], "Software", "Web")
DAX String SUBSTITUTE Function


The Power BI DAX UNICHAR function returns the Unicode character for the given ASCII value. The DAX UNICHAR Function syntax is:


It returns the Unicode characters of Yearly income divided by 2.

UNICHAR = UNICHAR(EmployeeSales[Yearly Income] / 2)

Power BI DAX EXACT Function

The DAX EXACT function compares two strings and returns true if they are exactly equal; otherwise, it returns false. The syntax of this DAX EXACT Function is:

EXACT(string1, string2)

Below DAX’s Exact statement compare the Department Name with the Leftmost 18 characters of the Department Name

EXACT = EXACT(EmployeeSales[Department Name], LEFT(EmployeeSales[Department Name], 18))
DAX EXACT Function


The Power BI DAX CONCATENATE function is useful for concatenating two strings. The syntax of this DAX CONCATENATE Function is:

CONCATENATE(string1, string2)

The following DAX CONCATENATE function concatenates the first name and last name

CONCAT = CONCATENATE(EmployeeSales[FirstName], EmployeeSales[LastName])


The DAX CONCATENATEX function is to concatenate all the rows in a column using the specified delimiter. The syntax of this DAX CONCATENATEX Function is:

CONCATENATEX(tableName, ColumnName, Delimiter)

The below statement concatenates all the rows in the last name column using a comma delimiter.

CONCATENATEX = CONCATENATEX(EmployeeSales, EmployeeSales[LastName], ",")

DAX FIXED Function

The Power BI DAX FIXED function is useful to round the given number to a specified number of digits and returns in text data type. The syntax of the DAX FIXED Function is:

FIXED(number, decimals, comma)

The below DAX FIXED function rounds sales decimals to a single digit, and it won’t allow comma

FIXED = FIXED(EmployeeSales[Sales], 1, 1)
DAX FIXED Function

DAX BLANK Function

The Power BI DAX BLANK function is useful to return a blank. You can also use this to check whether the crows have any blanks or not. The syntax of this DAX BLANK Function is:


Below If statement checks whether there are any blanks while dividing Sales by Service Grade, if true, Blank is replaced by 100. Otherwise, it returns the result.

BLACNK = IF(DIVIDE(EmployeeSales[Sales], EmployeeSales[Service Grade]) = BLANK(), 
                100, DIVIDE(EmployeeSales[Sales], EmployeeSales[Service Grade]))
DAX String BLANK Function

From the screenshot below, you can see the result.

DAX BLANK Function

Power BI DAX UNICODE Function

The DAX UNICODE function returns the ASCII value of the first character in a string. The syntax of this DAX UNICODE Function is:


It returns the ASCII value of the first character in the last name column

CODE = UNICODE(EmployeeSales[LastName])


The DAX COMBINEVALUES function combines two or more strings using the specified delimiter. The syntax of this DAX COMBINEVALUES Function is:

COMBINEVALUES(Delimiter, string1, string2,..)

The below statement combines First Name, Last Name, and Education columns using a comma delimiter.

CONCATENATEX = CONCATENATEX(EmployeeSales, EmployeeSales[LastName], ",")
DAX combinevalues Function

Power BI DAX FORMAT Function

The DAX FORMAT function formats numbers and dates to predefined formats. The syntax of the DAX FORMAT Function is:

FORMAT(expression, format_type)

The below DAX FORMAT function formats the Sales amount into currency type

FORMAT = FORMAT(EmployeeSales[Sales], "Currency")
DAX String FORMAT Function

Power BI DAX VALUE Function

The DAX VALUE function converts the string numbers into a number. The syntax of the DAX VALUE Function is:


The below statement converts the string numbers in the Fixed function result to a number

VALUE = VALUE(EmployeeSales[FIXED])
DAX VALUE Function