Upload Power BI Workbooks

This article shows you how to upload Power BI Workbooks with a practical example. First, we load the Global Store Sample workbook to the dashboard to demonstrate uploading Workbooks.

Before we start uploading, let me show you the list of workbooks currently available in my Power BI workspace. As you can see from the screenshot below, currently, there are no workbooks available in my workspace.

Go to Workbooks Folder in My Workspace 1

How to upload Power BI Workbooks

Please click on the Get Data button in the bottom left corner to upload workbooks.

Click the Get Data Button 2

In this example, we want to upload an excel workbook. So, let me click on the Get button inside the Power BI Files File.

Upload Power BI Workbooks 3

Clicking the Get button opens the following window. In this example, we want to upload Excel workbook from our local file system. So, let me select the Local Files option

Choose from Local File, OneDrive, and SharePoint 4

Once you click on the Local Files button, a new window opens to select the File from your file system. For now, we are choosing the Global Store Sample Excel workbook as shown below

Choosing the Global Superstore File from Local hard Drive 5

Next, it provides two options for you.

  • Import Excel data: It allows you to design reports using this imported excel file. This option adds Dataset to my workspace. I suggest you refer to the Upload Excel File article.
  • Upload your Excel files: This is the same as Excel Online. You can view and interact with the data like you usually do in Excel. This option adds Workbook to my workspace.

Let me select the Upload your Excel files option, which will load Excel Sheet to the workbook.

Upload Power BI Workbooks 6

Please wait until the uploading completes.

Wait until the loading completes 7

Let me navigate to the My Workspace -> Workbooks tab to see the available Workbooks. As you can see, it displays the Global Store Sample Workbooks we uploaded earlier.

Upload Power BI Workbooks 8