Python Program to access List Index and Values

Write a Python Program to access the Indexes and Values of a list. In Python, list items are organized based on the index values. So, we can access each list item or value using their indexes. In this Python example, the for loop range (for i in range(len(orgList))) iterates the list items, and the print stamens print the value at each index position.

# Access List Index and Values

orgList = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

print("List Index and Values are")
for i in range(len(orgList)):
    print("Index Number = ", i, " and Value = ", orgList[i])
Python Program to Access List Index and Values 1

Python Program to access List Index and Values using enumerate

# Access List Index and Values

orgList = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]

print("List Index and Values are")
for index, value in enumerate(orgList):
    print("Index Number = ", index, " and Value = ", value)

Python access list index and values using enumerate output

List Index and Values are
Index Number =  0  and Value =  2
Index Number =  1  and Value =  4
Index Number =  2  and Value =  6
Index Number =  3  and Value =  8
Index Number =  4  and Value =  10
Index Number =  5  and Value =  12

In this Python example, we used the list comprehension to access and return the list items or values and the respective index positions.

# Access List Index and Values

orgList = [13, 43, 56, 78, 65]

list2 = ([list((i, orgList[i])) for i in range(len(orgList))])
print("List Index and Values are")

list3 = ([(i, orgList[i]) for i in range(len(orgList))])
print("List Index and Values are")

Python access list index and values using list comprehension output

List Index and Values are
[[0, 13], [1, 43], [2, 56], [3, 78], [4, 65]]
List Index and Values are
[(0, 13), (1, 43), (2, 56), (3, 78), (4, 65)]

This Python program uses the zip, range, and len functions to return the list indexes and values.

# Access List Index and Values

orgList = [22, 44, 66, 88, 122]

print("List Index and Values are")
for index, value in zip(range(len(orgList)), orgList):
    print("Index Number = ", index, " and Value = ", value)

Python access list values and index numbers using zip, range and len functions output

List Index and Values are
Index Number =  0  and Value =  22
Index Number =  1  and Value =  44
Index Number =  2  and Value =  66
Index Number =  3  and Value =  88
Index Number =  4  and Value =  122