SQL System Functions

This list of available system functions in SQL Server are.

  1. @@Identity
  2. @@pack_Received
  3. IsNull
  4. IsNumeric
  5. Error_Line
  6. Error_Number
  7. Error_Message
  8. Error_Severity
  9. Error_State
  10. Host_Id
  11. Host_Name

SQL Statistical Functions

The list of available SQL Statistical Functions are

  1. @@Connections
  2. @@CPU_Busy
  3. @@Idle
  4. @@IO_Busy
  5. @@Pack_Sent
  6. @@Packet_Errors
  7. @@TimeTicks
  8. @@Total_Read
  9. @@Total_Write
  10. @@Total Errors

SQL Configuration Functions

The following are the available list of SQL Configuration functions.

  1. @@Language
  2. @@LangId
  3. @@Max_Connections
  4. @@Max_Precision
  5. @@ServerName
  6. @@ServiceName
  7. @@SpId
  8. @@Version

SET Permission Functions

  1. DateFirst
  2. DateFormat
  3. Language
  4. NoCount On
  5. RowCount
Categories SQL