The SQL Server @@IDENTITY is a System Function that returns the last inserted identity value. You can use this @@IDENTITY after an INSERT, INTO SELECT, BULK INSERT, or SELECT INTO Statement is completed to find the last generated identity value. And, if no insert operation happens, it will return NULL.

How to write or use this SQL @@IDENTITY Query to extract identity value with an example? For this demonstration, we are going to use the below-shown table data.

Employee Table 0

We are creating the following SQL table to insert the data into it.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EmployeeDuplicates](
	[EmpID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[FirstName] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
	[LastName] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
	[Education] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
	[Occupation] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
	[YearlyIncome] [float] NULL,
	[Sales] [float] NULL,
	[HireDate] [datetime] NULL,
	[EmpID] ASC

SQL Server @@IDENTITY Example

In this example, first, we will load four random records into the Employee Duplicates table. Next, we will extract the last inserted identity value using the SQL @@IDENTITY.

Let me insert a value into the table using the INSERT Statement.

INSERT INTO [dbo].[EmployeeDuplicates]
	  ([FirstName], [LastName], [Education], [Occupation], [YearlyIncome], [Sales], [HireDate])
           ('Tutorial', 'Gateway', 'Masters','Admin', 92500, 3200, '2006-01-28 13:10:02.047'),
	   ('Steve', 'Lara', 'Graduate', 'Software Developer', 19500, 1200, '2012-04-28 13:10:02.047'),
	   ('Jack', 'Smith', 'Graduate', 'Manager', 25000, 150.45, '2015-05-26 13:12:02.047' ),
	   ('Ramesh', 'Kumar', 'Post Graduate', 'Sales Manager', 75000, 240.89, '2016-04-18 13:10:02.047')

SELECT @@IDENTITY AS [Last Identity Value]

SELECT MAX(EmpID) AS [Maximum Identity Value]
FROM [EmployeeDuplicates]
SQL Insert records into table and select @@IDENTITY 1

Let me show you the data that we put into the Employee Duplicates tables

Newly Inserted records in a table 2

In this example, first, we will use the INSERT, INSERT INTO SELECT to insert records from the Employee table into the Employee Duplicates table.

Next, we will extract the last inserted identity value using the SQL @@IDENTITY

INSERT INTO [EmployeeDuplicates] (
[FirstName], [LastName], [Education], [Occupation], [YearlyIncome], [Sales], [HireDate])
   SELECT [FirstName], [LastName], [Education], [Occupation], [YearlyIncome], [Sales], [HireDate]
   FROM [Employee] AS Emp
   WHERE Emp.EmpID > 4

SELECT @@IDENTITY AS [Last Identity Value]

SELECT MAX(EmpID) AS [Maximum Identity Value]
FROM [EmployeeDuplicates]
Extract last inserted value 3

Let me show you the data that we put into the Employee Duplicates tables

View Table rows 4

@@IDENTITY Example 3

In this SQL @@IDENTITY example, first, we will show you what will happen if the Insert statement fails for some reason. To demonstrate this, we are deliberately failing the load operation.

INSERT INTO [dbo].[EmployeeDuplicates]
	  ([FirstName], [LastName], [Education], [Occupation], [YearlyIncome], [Sales], [HireDate])
           ('Tutorial Gateway', 'Website', 'Programming','Student', 2000,  '2006-01-28 13:10:02.047')

SELECT @@IDENTITY AS [Last Identity Value]

SELECT MAX(EmpID) AS [Maximum Identity Value]
FROM [EmployeeDuplicates]
Error Msg 109. Values should match 5

Let me show you the data that we loaded into the Employee Duplicates tables. As you can see, it (the last identity value) returns a NULL value.

Categories SQL