Let me show you the step-by-step approach to sharing the Power BI dashboard across your organization with a practical example. Before we start sharing the dashboard, let me show you the existing ones in my workspace.
Please click on the My Workspace to view them and then go to the Dashboards tab. As you can see from the screenshot below, currently, there are five in my workspace. In this example, we distribute or share the Fourth Dashboard. Let me click on that to see the visuals on it.
How to Share Power BI Dashboard
From the below My Workspace screenshot, you can see the visuals available on this. To distribute this Power BI dashboard, click on the Share button on the top right side.
Clicking the Share button opens the following window.
- Grant To: Please provide the Email Ids to whom you want to send this.
- Optional Message: You can write a Custom Message explaining the report and its functionality.
- Allow recipient to your dashboard: This allows the recipient to distribute this to other people in his team.
- Send Email Notification to the Recipient: Send an email about this report.
- Link: This is the actual link to this Power BI dashboard.
Let me share this report with Kishore, who is working in the same organization
Let me open the service with the Kishore account. Under the Shared With Me tab, you can see the dashboard that Suresh shared.
Let me show you the profile to confirm that I logged in as Kishore.