Python Program to Slice a Tuple

Write a Python program to perform tuple slicing with an example. The Tuple slicing has the start position, end position, and steps to jump. The slicing of a tuple starts at the starting position and goes up to the end position but does not include the end position. The syntax of this tuple slicing is


If you omit the start position, tuple slicing starts at zero index position. Similarly, if you skip the ending_position, slicing will go to the tuple end. And if you forgot both the start and end, tuple slicing will copy all the tuple items. In this Python example, numTuple[2:6] starts tuple slicing at index position 2 (the physical place is 3) and ends at 5.

# Tuple Slice

numTuple = (11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 100)
print("Tuple Items = ", numTuple)

slice1 = numTuple[2:6]
print("Tuple Items from 3 to 5 = ", slice1)

slice2 = numTuple[3:]
print("Tuple Items from 4 to End = ", slice2)

slice3 = numTuple[:7]
print("Tuple Items from Start to 6 = ", slice3)

slice4 = numTuple[:]
print("Tuple Items from Start to End = ", slice4)
Python Program to Slice a Tuple 1

The negative values in the tuple slicing will start the slicing from the right side. For instance, numTuple[-5:-2] starts slicing from the right side of a tuple at the fifth position and goes up to the 2nd position from the right side. In the last example, numTuple[1:7:2] starts tuple slicing from 1 and ends at six and copies every second item.

# Tuple Slice

numTuple = (11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 100)
print("Tuple Items = ", numTuple)

slice1 = numTuple[-5:-2]
print("Tuple Items = ", slice1)

slice2 = numTuple[-4:]
print("Last Four Tuple Items = ", slice2)

slice3 = numTuple[:-5]
print("Tuple Items upto 5 = ", slice3)

slice4 = numTuple[1:7:2]
print("Tuple Items from 1 to 7 step 2 = ", slice4)
Tuple Items =  (11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 100)
Tuple Items =  (66, 77, 88)
Last Four Tuple Items =  (77, 88, 99, 100)
Tuple Items upto 5 =  (11, 22, 33, 44, 55)
Tuple Items from 1 to 7 step 2 =  (22, 44, 66)

Python Program to Slice a String Tuple

# Tuple Slice

strTuple = tuple("Tutotial Gateway")
print("Tuple Items = ", strTuple)

slice1 = strTuple[2:10]
print("Tuple Items from 3 to 9 = ", slice1)

slice2 = strTuple[-4:]
print("Last Four Tuple Items = ", slice2)

slice3 = strTuple[2:12:2]
print("Tuple Items from 3 to 9 step 2 = ", slice3)

slice4 = strTuple[::2]
print("Every second Tuple Item = ", slice4)
Tuple Items =  ('T', 'u', 't', 'o', 't', 'i', 'a', 'l', ' ', 'G', 'a', 't', 'e', 'w', 'a', 'y')
Tuple Items from 3 to 9 =  ('t', 'o', 't', 'i', 'a', 'l', ' ', 'G')
Last Four Tuple Items =  ('e', 'w', 'a', 'y')
Tuple Items from 3 to 9 step 2 =  ('t', 't', 'a', ' ', 'a')
Every second Tuple Item =  ('T', 't', 't', 'a', ' ', 'a', 'e', 'a')