Python Program to Count Vowels in a String

Write a Python program to count Vowels in a String using For Loop and ASCII values with a practical example.

Python Program to Count Vowels in a String Example 1

This python program allows the user to enter a string. Next, it counts the total number of vowels in this string using For Loop.

Here, we used Python For Loop to iterate each character in a String. Inside the For Loop, we are using If Statement to check whether the character is a, e, i, o, u, A, E, I, O, U. If true, increment the vowels value otherwise, skip that character

TIP: Please refer String article to understand everything about Python Strings.

# Python Program to Count Vowels in a String

str1 = input("Please Enter Your Own String : ")
vowels = 0
for i in str1:
    if(i == 'a' or i == 'e' or i == 'i' or i == 'o' or i == 'u' or i == 'A'
       or i == 'E' or i == 'I' or i == 'O' or i == 'U'):
        vowels = vowels + 1
print("Total Number of Vowels in this String = ", vowels)
Python Program to Count Vowels in a String 1

Python Program to Count Vowels Example 2

In this program, we are using the lower function to cover the string to Lowercase. By this, you can only use a, e, i, o, u inside the If statement (avoid uppercase letters).

# Python Program to Count Vowels in a String

str1 = input("Please Enter Your Own String : ")

vowels = 0

for i in str1:
    if(i == 'a' or i == 'e' or i == 'i' or i == 'o' or i == 'u'):
        vowels = vowels + 1
print("Total Number of Vowels in this String = ", vowels)

Python Count Vowels in a String output

Please Enter Your Own String : Hello World
Total Number of Vowels in this String =  3
Please Enter Your Own String : Tutorial Gateway
Total Number of Vowels in this String =  7

Program to Count Total Number of Vowels in a String Example 3

This python program uses ASCII values to count vowels. I suggest you to refer ASCII table article to understand ASCII values.

# Python Program to Count Vowels in a String

str1 = input("Please Enter Your Own String : ")
vowels = 0

for i in str1:
    if(ord(i) == 65 or ord(i) == 69 or ord(i) == 73
       or ord(i) == 79 or ord(i) == 85
       or ord(i) == 97 or ord(i) == 101 or ord(i) == 105
       or ord(i) == 111 or ord(i) == 117):
        vowels = vowels + 1
print("Total Number of Vowels in this String = ", vowels)

Python Count Vowels in a String output

Please Enter Your Own String : Python Tutorial
Total Number of Vowels in this String =  5
Please Enter Your Own String : Tutorial Gateway
Total Number of Vowels in this String =  7