Power BI Pivot Table

The Pivot table option converts selected rows into columns. Let me show you how to create a pivot table or convert the unpivoted into a pivot table in Power BI with an example.

Please click the Edit Queries option under the Home tab to create a pivot table or convert unpivot. Clicking the Edit Queries option opens a new Power BI Query Editor window. We will change the calendar year column based on the order quantity in this example.

Choose Edit Queries Option in the Desktop 1

How to create a Power BI Pivot Table

To convert the unpivot into a pivot table, go to the Transform Tab. Under this tab, you can find the pivot Column button, as shown below.

Power BI Pivot Table Column 3

Clicking the button opens the following window. Let me select the Order Quantity as the values column

Select the Measure or numeric Column for Power BI Pivot Table 5

Next, we selected the Sum as the aggregate function value

Select Aggregated Function for Column 6

Now you can see the Power BI pivot table

Power BI Pivot Table 7

What if your table had more than one static column (a column that won’t change in the process)? For this, we added one more column called Product ID to this table.

Converting more than one column 8

Let me select the Order Quantity column as the values column and Sum as the aggregate function.

Use Advanced Options and assign aggregate value function sum 9

Now, you can see the Power BI Pivot table. Remember, having more than one unchanged static column will not make any difference in creating it.

Let me reorder the Columns as per the Year. Next, hit the Close & Apply option under the Home tab to apply these changes.

Click Close and Apply 11

From the screenshot below, you can see those columns.

Check the Columns under fields 12

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