JavaScript toLocaleUpperCase method converts the given string into Uppercase letters by considering the host environment’s current locale, and the syntax is:
JavaScript toLocaleUpperCase Example
The following set of examples will help you understand the toLocaleUpperCase Function.
TIP: This JavaScript To Locale UpperCase method returns the same result as ToUpperCase unless there is a language conflict.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Java ScriptToLocaleUpperCase</title> </head> <body> <h1>Java ScriptToLocaleUpperCase</h1> <script> var Str1 = "Learn JavaScript at Tutorial Gateway"; var Str3 = Str1.toLocaleUpperCase(); var Str4 = "Hi, This is From JS".toLocaleUpperCase(); var Str5 = "javascript uppercase".toLocaleUpperCase(); document.write("<b> Uppercase Letters are:</b> " + Str3); document.write("<br \> <b> Uppercase Letters are: </b> " + Str4); document.write("<br \> <b> Uppercase Letters are: </b> " + Str5); </script> </body> </html>