JavaScript log

The JavaScript log function is a Math function used to calculate the logarithmic value of a given number with base E. The syntax of the JavaScript log Function is


Number: It can be any numerical expression, and it represents the exponent value.

  • This function returns the output if the number argument is a positive value.
  • When it is a Negative or not a number, it returns NaN (Not a Number).
  • If it is Null, the logarithmic function changes the Null value to Zero.
  • If it is Zero, it will return Negative Infinity.

JavaScript LOG Function Example

In this example, we will find the JavaScript logarithmic value of different data types and display the output.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> JavaScriptLOGFunction </title>
  <h1> JavaScriptLOGFunction </h1>
  <p id = "Pos"></p>
  <p id = "Zero"></p>
  <p id = "Dec"></p>
  <p id = "Neg_Dec"></p>
  <p id = "Str"></p>
  <p id = "Exp"></p>
  <p id = "Null"></p>
  <p id = "Multi"></p>
    document.getElementById("Pos").innerHTML = Math.log(1);
    document.getElementById("Zero").innerHTML = Math.log(0);
    document.getElementById("Dec").innerHTML = Math.log(10.45);
    document.getElementById("Neg_Dec").innerHTML = Math.log(-6.45);
    document.getElementById("Str").innerHTML = Math.log("JavaScript");
    document.getElementById("Null").innerHTML = Math.log(null);
    document.getElementById("Multi").innerHTML = Math.log(2 + 7 - 5);
JavaScript LOG Function Example