JavaScript getUTCDay Function

JavaScript getUTCDay function is one of the Date Functions, which returns the day number of a given date according to universal time. Day Number starts at 0 and ends at 6, where 0 is Sunday, and six is Saturday. The syntax of the getUTCDay function is:


JavaScript getUTCDay Example

Here, we use getUTCDay to return the day number from the current date and time.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> JS </title>
    <h1> Example </h1>
  var dt = Date();  
  document.write("Date and Time : " + dt);
  document.write("UTC Day : " + dt.getUTCDay());

Date and Time: Mon Nov 05 2018 10:37:44 GMT+0530 (Indian Standard Time)
UTC Day : 1

Example 2

In this JavaScript get UTC Day example, we display the day number from the custom date.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> JavaScript Get UTC Day Function </title>
    <h1> JavaScriptgetUTCDayFunctionExample </h1>
  var dt = Date("April 1, 2016 10:14:22");
  document.write("Date and Time : " + dt);
  document.write("UTC Day using getUTCDay : " + dt.getUTCDay());
JavaScript getUTCDay Function Example