The JavaScript atanh function is a Math function that calculates the trigonometry hyperbolic Arc Tangent for the specified expression. Arc Tangent is also called inverse hyperbolic Tangent. The syntax of the atanh Function is:
JavaScript atanh Example
In this example, we are going to find the JavaScript hyperbolic Arc Tangent values of different data types and display the output.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> JavaScriptATANHFunction </title> </head> <body> <h1> JavaScriptATANHFunction </h1> <p id = "Pos"></p> <p id = "Neg"></p> <p id = "Dec"></p> <p id = "Neg_Dec"></p> <p id = "Str"></p> <p id = "Exp"></p> <p id = "Null"></p> <p id = "Multi"></p> <p id = "Out"></p> <script> document.getElementById("Pos").innerHTML = Math.atanh(1); document.getElementById("Neg").innerHTML = Math.atanh(-1); document.getElementById("Dec").innerHTML = Math.atanh(0.45); document.getElementById("Neg_Dec").innerHTML = Math.atanh(-0.75); document.getElementById("Str").innerHTML = Math.atanh("JavaScript"); document.getElementById("Null").innerHTML = Math.atanh(null); document.getElementById("Multi").innerHTML = Math.atanh(0.25 + 0.55 - 0.77); document.getElementById("Out").innerHTML = Math.atanh(25); </script> </body> </html>