Install QlikView

In this article, we show the Step by step procedure to install QlikView Personal Edition (irrespective of the version) with screenshots.

Step 1: If you have the installation CD, DVD, or any medium, then insert the installation media into the drive to install QlikView. Alternatively, Download the software from the website, then double-click on the QlikViewDesktop_x64Setup.exe.

Click the Setup Exe Application 1

Depending upon the PC security settings, this security warning may appear. If so, then click the Run button.

Hit the Run Button 2

TIP: Please refer to the Download article to understand the steps in downloading the QlikView software with images.

Steps to Install QlikView

Step 2: Clicking the setup.exe opens a new installation wizard called InstallShield Wizard. Please select the language as per requirement and then click the OK button.

Choose the Default Language and click Ok 3

Once the OK button is clicked, the wizard automatically starts extracting the software, as shown below.

Wait while preparing the wizard data 4

Step 3: After the software extraction finishes, it displays the Welcome screen to start the installation process. Please click on the Next button to start the actual install.

Click Next on InstallSheild Wizard welcome page 5

Step 4: Under the License Agreement page, select I accept the terms in the license agreement radio.

Accept the License Agreement and click Next button 6

It displays the Customer Information page. Please provide the User Name and the Organization name.

Provide the User name and Organization 7

Under the Destination Folder page, one can change the default installation folder by clicking the Change button. Here, we are leaving the default settings and clicking the next button.

Install QlikView 8

It asks whether to install the QlikView software entirely or customize the setting (Custom option). Please select the Complete option.

Under the Ready to Install program page, please click on the Install button.

Install QlikView 10

Once you click on that, it automatically starts the install process. Please wait until it finishes at 100%.

Wait until the Process completes 11

Once it completes the install, it displays the following page. Click on the finish button to complete the process.

Click the Finish Button 12