Funnel Chart in QlikView

Funnel Chart in QlikView is useful to display the Data flow or data in different stages. We can use this QlikView Funnel Chart to visualize the Wastage Cost or Production cost at each stage of the Production. For this Funnel Chart demo, we are going to use the data present in the following Excel table.

Excel File 1

From the screenshot below, see that we are loading the above specified excel sheet into the QlikView.

Load Excel Data 2

Create a Funnel Chart in QlikView

In this example, we create a Funnel chart for the list of countries that are available in our data source. T do this, we are going to use the Country Column as the dimension data and the Sales Amount expression as the flow size.

We can create a QlikView Funnel chart in multiple ways: Please navigate to Layout Menu, select the New Sheet Object, and then select the Charts.. option.

New Sheet Object 3

Another approach: Right-click on the Report area to select the New Sheet Object, and then select the Charts.. option.

Choose Chart from New Sheet Object 4

Either way, it opens a new window to create a Funnel Chart. From the below, see that we assigned a new name called Funnel Chart Example to our chart and then selected the Funnel Chart as the chart type

Add Window Title 5

Please select the Dimension column to use in the Funnel chart. For this example, we are adding the Country dimension to the used dimension section. Refer Import data from Excel to QlikView article in QlikView to understand importing the excel tables.

Add Fields to Used Dimensions section 6

Clicking the Next button opens an Expression page, and on top of that, a pop-up window called Edit Expression opens. Use this QlikView window to write the custom expression for the Funnel Chart data or select the Columns.

From the screenshot below, see we are writing an expression under the Expression OK section. If you don’t know how to write an expression, then select the Filed as Sales Amount, Aggregation as Sum, and click the Paste button.

Funnel Chart in QlikView 7

Click the OK button to close the edit expression window and then click the Next button.

Funnel Chart in QlikView 8

NOTE: As we are not making any changes to the Default settings, clicking the Finish button at this stage will give the same result. We intend to show the available option, and we will discuss them in the next article.

Please specify the sorting order for the Country dimensions. In this QlikView Funnel Chart example, we can sort the countries by Name in Ascending order.

Funnel Chart in QlikView 9

The next page is to change the look and style of a Funnel Chart. Here, we are leaving the default settings.

Funnel Chart in QlikView 10

The presentation page is to alter the QlikView Funnel chart settings:

  • Pop-up Labels: When hovering the mouse on the Funnel chart, it displays the corresponding Dimension name and an Expression Value. In this example, it will display the Country Name and Sales Amount
  • Show Legend: Do you want to show the legend or not? If so, checkmark this option; otherwise, uncheck it.
Funnel Chart in QlikView 11

The QlikView Funnel chart Colors page is useful for changing the Color pattern. From the screenshot below, see that we changed the colors a bit.

Funnel Chart in QlikView 12

Next, we are formatting the Expression value. It only reflects when you display the data labels or when you hover over the region. As we all know, the Sum of the Sales Amount is money, so we are selecting the money.

Funnel Chart in QlikView 13

Please change the Font family, style, and font size as per requirements. From the below screenshot, see we change the font size to 11

Funnel Chart in QlikView 18

Use this Layout page to provide the shadow effects to the funnel chart, or we can apply the custom theme by clicking the Apply Theme button.

Funnel Chart in QlikView 14

The caption page is to stylize the QlikView Funnel Chart Caption. Here, we can change the color, background, position, and so on for the Funnel Chart. Once completed, click the Finish button.

Funnel Chart in QlikView 15

Now, see our newly created Funnel Chart in QlikView.

Funnel Chart in QlikView 16

Let us hover over the mouse in the Australia region. From the screenshot below, the Funnel Chart displays the Country Name and the Sales Amount (Data label).

Funnel Chart in QlikView 17