Python Program to Print List Items at Even Position

Write a Python program to print list items at even position or even index position. In this even position example, the list slicing starts at 1, ends at the list end, and is incremented by 2.

evList = [3, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19]

print('Printing the List Items at Even Position')
Python Program to Print List Items at Even Position

The below program will print list items at even index position using for loop. 

evList = [17, 24, 36, 48, 55, 79, 82, 93]

for i in range(1, len(evList), 2):
    print(evList[i], end = '  ')
24  48  79  93  

Python program to print list items at even position using a while loop

evList = [90, 120, 240, 180, 80, 60]

i = 1
while i < len(evList):
    print(evList[i], end = '  ')
    i = i + 2
120  180  60 

In this Python example, the for loop iterate from 0 to list length. The if condition checks the index position divided by two equals 1. If true, print that even position list item.

# Python Program to Print List Items at Even Position using for loop
evlist = []
evListTot = int(input("Total List Items to enter = "))

for i in range(1, evListTot + 1):
    evListvalue = int(input("Please enter the %d List Item = "  %i))

print('\nPrinting the List Items at Even Position')
for i in range(1, len(evlist), 2):
    print(evlist[i], end = '  ')

print('\nPrinting the List Items at Even Position')
for i in range(len(evlist)):
    if i % 2 != 0:
        print(evlist[i], end = '  ')
Total List Items to enter = 8
Please enter the 1 List Item = 12
Please enter the 2 List Item = 23
Please enter the 3 List Item = 34
Please enter the 4 List Item = 45
Please enter the 5 List Item = 56
Please enter the 6 List Item = 67
Please enter the 7 List Item = 78
Please enter the 8 List Item = 89

Printing the List Items at Even Position
23  45  67  89  
Printing the List Items at Even Position
23  45  67  89