Python Program to Find Second Largest in an Array

Write a Python Program to Find the second Largest Number in a Numpy Array. We used the numpy sort function to sort the array in ascending order. Next, we print the value at the last but one index position.

import numpy as np

secLarr = np.array([11, 55, 99, 22, 7, 35, 70])
print("Array Items = ", secLarr)

print("The Second Largest Item in this Array = ", secLarr[len(secLarr) - 2])
Python Program to Find Second Largest in an Array

This Program helps to Find the Second Largest in the numpy Array using the For Loop range.

import numpy as np

secLarr = np.array([15, 22, 75, 99, 35, 70, 120, 60])
print("Items = ", secLarr)

first = second = min(secLarr)

for i in range(len(secLarr)):
    if (secLarr[i] > first):
        second = first
        first = secLarr[i]
    elif(secLarr[i] > second and secLarr[i] < first):
        second = secLarr[i]

print("The Largest Item = ", first)
print("The Second Largest Item = ", second)

The Second Largest numpy array item using the for loop range output.

Items =  [ 15  22  75  99  35  70 120  60]
The Largest Item =  120
The Second Largest Item =  99