Python Program to find Rhombus Perimeter

Write a Python Program to find the Perimeter of a Rhombus with an example. This Python example allows the Rhombus side and calculates the Rhombus perimeter.

# Python Program to find Rhombus Perimeter

rhombusSide = float(input("Enter the Rhombus Side  = "))

rhombusPerimeter = 4 * rhombusSide

print("The Perimeter of a Rhombus = %.3f" %rhombusPerimeter) 
Enter the Rhombus Side  = 23
The Perimeter of a Rhombus = 92.000

In this Python Program, the calRhombusPerimeter function finds and returns the Rhombus Perimeter.

# Python Program to find Rhombus Perimeter

def calRhombusPerimeter(side):
    return 4 * side

rhombusSide = float(input("Enter the Rhombus Side  = "))

rhombusPerimeter = calRhombusPerimeter(rhombusSide)

print("The Perimeter of a Rhombus = %.3f" %rhombusPerimeter) 
Python Program to find Rhombus Perimeter 2