Python Program to find Last Digit in a Number

Write a Python Program to find the Last Digit in a Number with a practical example.

Python Program to find the Last Digit in a Number

This python program allows the user to enter any integer value. Next, Python is going to find the Last Digit of the user-entered value.

# Python Program to find the Last Digit in a Number

number = int(input("Please Enter any Number: "))

last_digit = number % 10

print("The Last Digit in a Given Number %d = %d" %(number, last_digit))
Python Program to find Last Digit in a Number 1

Python Program to find the Last Digit in a Number using Function

This Python last digit in a number program is the same as above. But this time, we separated the Python logic and placed it in a separate function.

# Python Program to find the Last Digit in a Number

def lastDigit(num):
    return num % 10

number = int(input("Please Enter any Number: "))

last_digit = lastDigit(number)

print("The Last Digit in a Given Number %d = %d" %(number, last_digit))

Python last digit output

Please Enter any Number: 1925
The Last Digit in a Given Number 1925 = 5
Please Enter any Number: 90876
The Last Digit in a Given Number 90876 = 6