Python Program to find Diameter Circumference and Area Of a Circle

Write Python Program to find Diameter Circumference and Area Of a Circle with a practical example. The mathematical formulas are:

  1. Diameter of a Circle = 2r = 2 * radius
  2. Area of a circle is: A = πr² =  π * radius * radius
  3. Circumference of a Circle = 2πr = 2 * π * radius

Python Program to find Diameter Circumference and Area Of a Circle example

This Python program allows users to enter the radius of a circle. By using the radius value, this Python code finds the Circumference, Diameter, and Area Of a Circle.

TIP: Refer Find Area Of a Circle article to understand the various ways to find the Python Area of a Circle.

# Python Program to find Diameter, Circumference, and Area Of a Circle

PI = 3.14
radius = float(input(' Please Enter the radius of a circle: '))

diameter = 2 * radius
circumference = 2 * PI * radius
area = PI * radius * radius

print(" \nDiameter Of a Circle = %.2f" %diameter)
print(" Circumference Of a Circle = %.2f" %circumference)
print(" Area Of a Circle = %.2f" %area)
Python Program to find Diameter Circumference and Area Of a Circle

Python Program to Calculate Diameter Circumference and Area Of a Circle example 2

This Python code to find the Diameter, Circumference, and Area of the Circle is the same as above. However, we separated the logic using Python functions.

# Python Program to find Diameter, Circumference, and Area Of a Circle
import math

def find_Diameter(radius):
    return 2 * radius

def find_Circumference(radius):
    return 2 * math.pi * radius

def find_Area(radius):
    return math.pi * radius * radius

r = float(input(' Please Enter the radius of a circle: '))

diameter = find_Diameter(r)
circumference = find_Circumference(r)
area = find_Area(r)

print("\n Diameter Of a Circle = %.2f" %diameter)
print(" Circumference Of a Circle = %.2f" %circumference)
print(" Area Of a Circle = %.2f" %area)

Python Diameter and Circumference of a Circle Output

 Please Enter the radius of a circle: 12

 Diameter Of a Circle = 24.00
 Circumference Of a Circle = 75.40
 Area Of a Circle = 452.39