Python Program to find Area of a Rectangle using length and width

Write Python Program to find Area of a Rectangle using length and width with a practical example.

Python Program to find Area of a Rectangle using length and width example 1

This Python program allows user to enter the length and width of a rectangle. Using those two values, it finds the area of a rectangle. If we know the length & width of a rectangle. The mathematical formula to calculate the area of a rectangle is: Area = Length * Width.

# Python Program to find Area of a Rectangle using length and width

length = float(input('Please Enter the Length of a Triangle: '))
width = float(input('Please Enter the Width of a Triangle: '))

# calculate the area
area = length * width

print("The Area of a Rectangle using", length, "and", width, " = ", area)
Python Program to find Area of a Rectangle using length and width 1

Python Program to calculate Area of a Rectangle using length and width example 2

This Python code to find the area of a rectangle is the same as above. However, we separated the python program logic using the concept of the function.

# Python Program to find Area of a Rectangle using length and width

def area_of_Rectangle(length, width):
    return length * width
length = float(input('Please Enter the Length of a Triangle: '))
width = float(input('Please Enter the Width of a Triangle: '))

# calculate the area of a Rectangle
area = area_of_Rectangle(length, width)

print("The Area of a Rectangle using", length, "and", width, " = ", area)
Please Enter the Length of a Triangle: 125
Please Enter the Width of a Triangle: 65
The Area of a Rectangle using 125.0 and 65.0  =  8125.0