Python Program to find Angle of a Triangle if two angles are given

Write a Python Program to find Angle of a Triangle if two angles are given with a practical example.

Python Program to find Angle of a Triangle if two angles are given Example 1

This python program helps the user to enter two angles of a triangle. Next, we subtracted those two angles from 180 because the sum of all angles in a triangle = 180.

# Python Program to find Angle of a Triangle if two angles are given

a = float(input('Please Enter the First Angle of a Triangle: '))
b = float(input('Please Enter the Second Angle of a Triangle: '))

# Finding the Third Angle
c = 180 - (a + b)

print("Third Angle of a Triangle = ", c)
Python Program to find Angle of a Triangle if two angles are given 1

Python Program to find Angle of Triangle using two angles Example 2

This Python code to find Angle of a Triangle is the same as above. However, we separated the angle of a triangle program logic using the concept of functions.

# Python Program to find Angle of a Triangle if two angles are given

def triangle_angle(a, b):
    return 180 - (a + b)

a = float(input('Please Enter the First Angle of a Triangle: '))
b = float(input('Please Enter the Second Angle of a Triangle: '))

# Finding the Third Angle
c = triangle_angle(a, b)
print("Third Angle of a Triangle = ", c)

Python Angle of a Triangle output

Please Enter the First Angle of a Triangle: 45
Please Enter the Second Angle of a Triangle: 95
Third Angle of a Triangle =  40.0