Python Program to Create Tuple of Different Types

Write a Python Program to Create Different Types of Tuples and print them. This example shows the creation of integer, string, boolean, float, mixed tuple, tuple inside a tuple (nested tuple), and list tuple. 

# Different Type Tuples
numericTuple = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
print("Numeric Tuple Items = ", numericTuple )
floatTuple = (10.25, 11.20, 19.37, 41.598)
print("Float Tuple Items = ", floatTuple )
stringTuple = ('orange', 'Mango', 'Grape', 'Apple')
print("String Tuple Items = ", stringTuple )
booleanTuple = (True, False, False, True, True)
print("Boolean Tuple Items = ", booleanTuple )
mixedTuple = ('orange', 25, 'Mango', 36.75, False, 10)
print("Mixed Tuple Items = ", mixedTuple )
nestedTuple = (10, 20, ('orange', 'Mango'), 30)
print("Nested Tuple Items = ", nestedTuple )
listTuple = (10, 20, ['Grape', 'Apple'], 70)
print("List Tuple Items = ", listTuple )
Python Program to Create Tuple of Different Types