Write a Python program to convert integer to string. There are many ways to achieve convert integer to string, and they are using the built-in str()function, % formatter, {} format function, and f keyword within the print statement. This post covers all of them.
Convert Integer to String using str() function
In this programming language, there is a built-in str() function to convert int to string. The below example uses the built-in str() function to perform the conversion. Here, the type() function returns the data type.
num = 120 print(num) print(type(num)) intToString = str(num) print(intToString) print(type(intToString))
<class 'int'>
<class 'int'>
Python Program to Convert Integer to String using format
The following list of examples uses all kinds of available options to convert the user-given integer to a string.
Using % formatter
In this example, we use the %s format, and it helps to convert int to string.
num = int(input("Enter Any Number = ")) print(num) print(type(num)) intToString = "%s" %num print(intToString) print(type(intToString))
Enter Any Number = 12313
<class 'int'>
<class 'str'>
Using {} format function
This program helps to convert integers to strings using the format function.
num = int(input("Enter Any Number = ")) print(num) print(type(num)) intToString = "{}".format(num) print(intToString) print(type(intToString))
Enter Any Number = 2345
<class 'int'>
<class 'str'>
Convert Integer to String using f keyword
This example uses the f keyword before the {} to convert int to string.
num = int(input("Enter Any Number = ")) print(num) print(type(num)) intToString = f'{num}' print(intToString) print(type(intToString))
Enter Any Number = 4567
<class 'int'>
<class 'str'>
In this example, we combined or showed all the possible options to convert int to string.
num = int(input("Enter Any Number = ")) print(num) print(type(num)) print("\nResult of str function") intToString = str(num) print(intToString) print(type(intToString)) print("\nResult of %s Formatter") intToString1 = "%s" %num print(intToString1) print(type(intToString1)) print("\nResult of format function") intToString2 = "{}".format(num) print(intToString2) print(type(intToString2)) print("\nResult of f string") intToString3 = f'{num}' print(intToString3) print(type(intToString3))