Python Program to Check a Number is a Spy Number

Write a Python program to check a number is a spy number or not using the for loop. For example, if the sum of digits equals the product of individual digits in a number, it is a spy. In this Python spy number example, we used a while loop to divide the number into digits and find the sum and the product of the digits. The if statement checks whether the sum equals product, if true, spy number.

Number = int(input("Enter the Number to Check Spy Number = "))
Temp = Number
Sum = 0
prod = 1

while Temp > 0:
    lastDigit = Temp % 10
    Sum = Sum + lastDigit
    prod = prod * lastDigit
    Temp = Temp // 10

print("The Sum of the Digits     = %d" %Sum)
print("The Product of the Digits = %d" %prod)

if Sum == prod:
    print("\n%d is Spy Number." %Number)
    print("%d is Not a Spy Number." %Number)
Python Program to Check a Number is a Spy Number

Python program to check whether a number is a spy number or not using recursion or recursive functions.

total = 0
prod = 1
reminder = 0
def spyNumber(number):
    global reminder, total, prod
    if(number > 0):
        reminder = number % 10
        total = total + reminder
        prod = prod * reminder
        spyNumber(number // 10)
        return total, prod
        return 0

Number = int(input("Enter the Number = "))
total, prod = spyNumber(Number)

print("The Sum of the Digits     = %d" %total)
print("The Product of the Digits = %d" %prod)

if total == prod:
    print("\n%d is Spy Number." %Number)
    print("%d is Not." %Number)
Enter the Number = 1421
The Sum of the Digits     = 8
The Product of the Digits = 8

1421 is Spy Number.

This program prints the spy numbers from 1 to n or within a range.

MinSpy = int(input("Please Enter the Minimum Value: "))
MaxSpy = int(input("Please Enter the Maximum Value: "))

for i in range(MinSpy, MaxSpy + 1):
    Temp = i
    Sum = 0
    prod = 1
    while Temp > 0:
        lastDigit = Temp % 10
        Sum = Sum + lastDigit
        prod = prod * lastDigit
        Temp = Temp // 10
    if Sum == prod:
        print(i, end = '   ')
Please Enter the Minimum Value: 1
Please Enter the Maximum Value: 10000
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   22   123   132   213   231   312   321   1124   1142   1214   1241   1412   1421   2114   2141   2411   4112   4121   4211