Output Parameters in SQL Stored Procedure

How to use Output Parameters in SQL Server Stored Procedure?. Or How to use Output Parameters to return a Value or message from a Stored Procedure with an example.

To output value from the Sql stored procedure, you have to declare a variable along with the OUT or OUTPUT keyword. For this SQL Server Stored Procedure Output Parameters demonstration, we will use the table below.

Source table 1

Output Parameters in SQL Stored Procedure Example

In this example, we show you how to use Output Parameters in a Stored procedure. Please see the Select Stored Procedure article to understand how to write the Select statement inside a stored procedure. And also, refer Introduction to Stored Procedure article to understand the basics of the SQL Server stored procedure.

The below statement will create a Stored procedure of Name spEmployeeCount. And we declare a variable called @EmployeeCount of integer Type along with OUTPUT keyword. Within the procedure, we are using the COUNT to find the number of employees in the Employee Duplicate table. Then we assign the value to the Output parameter.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spEmployeeCount]
	@EmployeeCount INT OUTPUT
	SELECT @EmployeeCount = COUNT(EmpID)FROM [EmployeeDuplicates]
Command(s) completed successfully.

Let me execute the stored procedure. Here, we have to pass the output parameter @EmployeeCount parameter.

-- Declare a Variable of Type Int. Should match with SP's Output parameter
DECLARE	@TotalEmployees INT 

-- Don't forget OUTPUT keyword
EXEC  [dbo].[spEmployeeCount] @TotalEmployees OUTPUT

-- Printing the Output
PRINT @TotalEmployees
Output Parameters in SQL Stored Procedure 3

Output Parameters in SQL Stored Procedure Example 2

In this example, we explain to you how to use both Input and Output Parameters in a single Stored procedure. Please refer to the Input Parameters in a Stored Procedure article to know how to use input parameters in a stored procedure.

Here, we declare a variable called @LastName as the input parameter and @EmployeeProfession of Varchar type as an Output parameter. Within the procedure, we find the Occupation of an employee whose last name is equal to the input parameter. Next, we assign the value to the Output parameter.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spEmployeeProfession]
	@LastName VARCHAR(50),
	@EmployeeProfession VARCHAR(50) OUTPUT
	SELECT @EmployeeProfession = [Occupation] FROM [EmployeeDuplicates] 
					WHERE [LastName] = @LastName
Command(s) completed successfully.

Let me execute the stored procedure. Here, we have to pass the value for the @LastName as Gateway.

DECLARE	@Profession VARCHAR(50) 
EXEC  [dbo].[spEmployeeProfession] N'Gateway', @Profession OUTPUT
PRINT 'Gateway is Working in the ' + @Profession
Print Message after query execution 5

Output Parameters in SP Example 3

Let us see how to use Output Parameters in SQL Stored procedure to return multiple outputs. Here, we declare a variable called @LastName as an input parameter and three Output parameters. Within the procedure, we are finding the Occupation, Education, and yearly Income of an employee whose last name is equal to the input parameter. Next, we assign the value to the Output parameter.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spEmployeeProf]
	@LastName VARCHAR(50),
	@Profession VARCHAR(50) OUTPUT,
	@Education VARCHAR(50) OUTPUT,
	SELECT @Profession = [Occupation],
		@Education = Education,
		@Income = YearlyIncome
	 FROM [EmployeeDuplicates] 
	 WHERE [LastName] = @LastName
Command(s) completed successfully.

Let me execute the stored procedure.

-- Example

DECLARE	@EmpProfession VARCHAR(50), 
	@EmpEducation VARCHAR(50),
	@EmpIncome FLOAT
EXEC  [dbo].[spEmployeeProf] N'Gateway', @EmpProfession OUTPUT, 
                                         @EmpEducation OUT,
					 @EmpIncome OUT

SELECT @EmpProfession AS Profession,
       @EmpEducation AS Education, 
       @EmpIncome AS Income
Output Parameters in SQL Stored Procedure 7

Let me show you, What will happen if you miss the OUTPUT keyword

Remove OUTPUT keyword 8

As you can see from the above screenshot, it is returning a NULL value. So, don’t forget the OUTPUT keyword.

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