C strrchr Function

The C strrchr function is a String method, which returns a pointer to the last occurrence of a character in a given string. The syntax of the C strrchr function is void *strrchr(const char *str, const char *chr_to_look); strrchr in C Language Example The strrchr function is used to find the last occurrence of a character within … Read more

C strchr function

The C strchr function is a String Function, which returns a pointer to the first occurrence of a character in the given string. The syntax of the strchr is void *strchr(const char *str, const char *chr_to_look); strchr function in C Language Example The strchr function searches for the first occurrence of a character within the … Read more

C strstr Function

The C strstr function is a String Function that returns a pointer to the first occurrence of a string in the given string. The syntax of the C strstr method is void *strstr(const char *str, const char *str_to_look); strstr in C Language Example The strstr function searches for the first occurrence of a substring within … Read more

C String

The one-dimensional array of characters followed by a null character \0 is called a string in C Programming. Let us see how to declare a string array in C, access elements or characters, and print characters with examples. C string Syntax The syntax of a string declaration in C Programming is as follows: char Name … Read more

C hypot Function

The C hypot function is a Math Function, used to calculate the Trigonometric Hypotenuse Value of given two sides. The syntax of the hypot in C Programming is double hypot(double number); Hypothenuse = square root of the sum of squares of two sides (specified arguments). C hypot Function Example The math hypot Function allows you to find the Hypotenuse Value … Read more

C tanh Function

The C tanh function is a Math Function used to calculate the Trigonometric Hyperbolic Tangent of a given value or specified expression. The syntax of the tanh is double tanh(double number); C tanh Function Example The math tanh Function allows you to find the Hyperbolic Tangent of a given value. In this program, We are going to … Read more

C sinh Function

The C sinh function is a Math Function used to calculate the Trigonometric Hyperbolic Sine of a given value or specified expression. The syntax of the sinh is double sinh(double number); C sinh Function Example The math sinh Function allows you to find the Hyperbolic Sine of a given value. In this program, We are going … Read more

C cosh Function

The C cosh function is a Math Function used to calculate the Trigonometric Hyperbolic Cosine of a given value or specified expression. The syntax of the cosh function is double cosh(double number); C cosh Function Example The C math cosh Function allows you to find the Hyperbolic Cosine of a given value. In this program, we … Read more

C exp function

The C exp function is one of the Math Functions, used to return E raised to the power of a given value or specified expression. Here, E is Euler’s number, and it is approximately equal to 2.71828. The basic syntax of the exp function in this C Programming is double exp(double number); C exp Function Example The … Read more

C log10 Function

The C log10 function is one of the C Math Functions used to calculate the logarithmic value of a number with base 10. The syntax of the C math log10 function is double log10(double number); C log10 Function Example The math log10 Function allows you to find the logarithmic value of base 10. This program will … Read more