Alteryx Comment tool

The Alteryx comment tool helps to add annotations/information or images to the workflow. We can use this comment tool to explain the workflow or the actions we are performing. You can find this one under the Documentation and Favorites tab.

Alteryx Comment Tool Example

Please navigate to the Documentation tab, and add the Comment tool to the workflow. Within the Comment Configuration section, you can add the text, font style, format, color, background image, etc.

Add Comment tool from Documentation tab

First, we added a sample message as text. Then, we changed the Font to Cambria, the style to Bold, and Font-Size to 20.

Write text inside it and format its colors

Next, we changed the shape to a Rounded rectangle, the text color, and the background color to Green. The text alignment drop down has options such as Left, Center, Right, Top Left, Top Center, and Top Right. Here, we choose the text alignment to the center.

From the below Comment image, you can see the preview.

Comment tool 5

Here, we added the Background Image.

Add Background Image to the Comment box

Meaningful Alteryx Comment tool Example

First, we added the text input and converted a few string columns to numeric using the Select tool.

Next, we added three Comment tools to explain the workflow.

  1. This Text Input contains Employee’s Information along with Sales.
  2. All the Columns (including Numeric Columns) are in String Format. So, we have to Convert them.
  3. We used the Select Tool to Convert Sales to Double and Income to Inter32 type.

Let me run this Alteryx workflow to see the result.

Run Alteryx Comment Tool