Alteryx Record ID

The Alteryx Record ID assigns a unique value or identifier to each record. We can use this Record ID to set orderID, EmpID, etc. To demonstrate this Alteryx Record ID, we used the CustomersWithoutId text file.

First, drag and drop the Input Data Tool, and select the CustomersWithoutId text file from the configuration tab.

Choose the Input Data as the Text File

Alteryx Record ID Tool Example

Please go to the Preparation tab, and drag the Record ID tool to the canvas. Within the record ID Configuration tab, we have to assign the new Column name, starting value (ID starts from this value), data type, size, and column position.

Alteryx Record ID 3

First, connect the Input tool to this Alteryx record ID tool. For now, we leave the default values for the new columns. It means Record ID will create a new column of integer type placed at a first position whose value starts from 1.

Alteryx Record ID to Create a New Column with Continuous Numbers

We changed the starting value to 20 (ID starts from 20) and the column position to the last column.

Change Type, Position, and size of the Column

You can also use negative values as the Record ID starting value.

Choose Start Value as Negative in Alteryx Record ID

Let me change the data type to starting and the start value to 222. Don’t forget to assign the appropriate size.

Alteryx Record ID Result