The Alteryx Select tool is useful for detecting the columns, and we can rename the names of the columns. You can also use this select tool to change the required column data type and size.
Alteryx Select tool Example
Drag the Input Tool, and select the Customers_text text file from the configuration tab. From the below image, you can see that the file has fifteen records. If you look at the text file metadata, all the columns are of the string data type.
Select Tool Data Types Conversion Example
Drag and drop the Select tool to the canvas and connect the Input tool.
Within the Alteryx Select Tool Configuration tab, you can see the source column names, data types, column size, and empty fields to rename the column and provide the description.
By clicking the down arrow beside the type shows you the list of available types. Please change the data type of an Alteryx column as per your requirement.
Here, we changed the yearly income, sales to double, and EmpID to a 32-bit integer. Then we renamed the Yearly Income as Income and Occupation as Profession.
Hit the Run button to see the select tool result of data type conversion. In this example, we want to load this data type conversion output into SQL Server’s new table Alteryx Select Tool. We have already explained the steps in the Load Text File into SQL Server article. So, add the output Data tool and name the table.
The below image shows you the Alteryx SQL configuration settings.
Run the Select tool workflow.
Within the Management Studio, you can see the table result.
For the data type, you can look at the table definition.