Alteryx Unique Records Tool

The Alteryx Unique tool helps to find distinct records from the source. This tool returns two outputs, and they are Unique records (U) and Duplicate records (D). To demonstrate this Unique Records Tool, we used the Customer_Country text file.

First, drag and drop the Input Data, and select the Customer_Country text file from the Connect a File or Database option configuration tab.

Choose the Input text or CSV file

Alteryx Unique Records Tool Example

Please go to the Preparation tab, and drag and drop the Unique tool to the canvas. Next, connect the Input to this Unique tool. As you can see, the Unique has two outputs U and D.

Within the Alteryx Unique Records tool Configuration tab, we have the list of all the available columns coming from the source. Here, you have to choose the distinct columns.

Alteryx Unique Tool 3

Let me Select the First Name, and it will return all the Customers whose first name is distinct.

Choose the Columns

If you look into the D output i.,e Duplicate, you can see all the duplicate first names.

D Output for Duplicate records

This time, we have selected the First Name and education. Remember, when you choose multiple columns in Alteryx, it has to match all those columns. This Unique example returns all the customers whose first names and education are distinct.

Alteryx Unique Tool Using multiple Columns to see Distinct records

There is only one duplicate record, and that record is.

Unique Tool Duplicate records 7

Here, we selected Education and Occupation. The Unique record tool returns all the customers whose education and occupation are distinct.

Unique or Distinct records Tool 8

There are five duplicate customer records and click on the D output to see them.

Alteryx Unique or Distinct and Duplicate records Tool 8