Install Alteryx

This article explains the step by step approach to installing the Alteryx Designer, along with screenshots.

Steps to install the Alteryx Designer Tool

To install the Designer, first, locate the downloaded file in the file system. Next, click on the exe file.

Click the Downloaded Exe file

Please wait until the InstallAware Wizard verifies the package content and starts the installation process. Next, it opens the actual Install window. Here, please select a language that you want to use for the Designer.

Choose Default Language to install Alteryx

Here, you can change the Name and the location to install the software.

Choose the Folder path

Please checkmark the I accept the license agreement.

Accept License Agreement

Wait until the Designer tool install process is completed. Now you can see the successful message. Either you can run the Alteryx or close the install process. Let me select the Run it Now option and click the finish button.

Finish Alteryx Installation

From the below image, you can see the designer window.

It Opens the designer tool Window

Designer Activation

When you open the Alteryx Designer for the first time, it will ask you to enter the license key to activate the product. If you want, you can click on the Start Free Trial button to enjoy the free trial. Let me enter my Email and the activation key.

Please Enter the Email and License Key to activate

Once you enter the correct credentials, you can see the success message. Please click on the Start Solving button at the bottom.

It is the Start Here file, and you can see this when you open the application for the first time!

Open the Designer application