Add Multiple Fields to a Single SSRS Table Column

This SSRS article shows how to add multiple fields to a single table column and differently format the text in a column with an example.

Right-click on the Datasets folder to create a new DataSet. The below section uses the Adventure Works DW database as the DataSource and embedded DataSet for this Add Multiple Fields to a Single SSRS Table Column example.

The Sql query that we used in this SSRS example is:

SELECT Geo.[EnglishCountryRegionName] AS [Country]
,Geo.[StateProvinceName] AS [State], Geo.[City], Geo.PostalCode
,Cust.FirstName +' '+ Cust.LastName AS [Full Name]
,Cust.EnglishEducation AS Education ,Cust.EnglishOccupation AS Occupation
,Cust.Gender, SUM(Fact.OrderQuantity) AS Orders,
SUM(Fact.SalesAmount) AS Sales FROM DimCustomer AS Cust
INNER JOIN FactInternetSales AS Fact ON Cust.CustomerKey = Fact.CustomerKey
INNER JOIN [DimGeography] AS Geo ON Cust.GeographyKey = Geo.GeographyKey
GROUP BY Geo.[EnglishCountryRegionName],Geo.[StateProvinceName],Geo.[City],
Geo.PostalCode,Cust.FirstName, Cust.LastName ,Cust.EnglishEducation ,
ORDER BY [Country]

How to add Multiple Fields to a Single SSRS Table Column

We have designed a simple table report of Customer Sales and formatted the font and colors. Next, add a new column by right-clicking the Sales column, choosing the Insert column, and then the Right option. Let me rename that column header as the Address.

Select the required column from the drop-down list or drag the fields from the DataSets folder under the Report Data window.

Select the items to add Multiple Fields to a Single SSRS Table Column

In this example, we want to display the Customer’s Address. So, let me add City, State, Country, and Postal Code. If you observe the below image, we added text along with the column names. We hit enter after a comma to ensure that each column is in a separate row.

Add Multiple Fields to a Single SSRS Table Column 5

Use either the below-shown toolbar or the properties windows to format the fonts. But first, let me make the custom text bold. Assign a different color to the City, State, Country, and Postal Code.

Format the Colors

Preview the Table report with multiple columns in a single field.

Add Multiple Fields to a Single SSRS Table Column Preview