SQL Format

This SQL Sever String Function is used to format the specified value in the given way or dates and numbers using culture. And the syntax of the Format Function is

Format(Value, Format, Culture)
  • Value: Please specify a valid Expression of the supporting Data Type.
  • Format: Please specify a valid .NET Framework string.
  • Culture: This is an optional argument and user for regional or country-specific changes.

SQL Format Date Example

In this String Function example, we first declared a Datetime variable and assigned GETDATE() to it. Here, we are going to use the function to return the date in different formats. I suggest you refer to the SQL Standard Date Time Format article to understand the string formats we used in this example.

SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'd', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 1',  FORMAT(@Vardate, 'D', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 2'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'f', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 3',  FORMAT(@Vardate, 'F', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 4'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'g', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 5',  FORMAT(@Vardate, 'G', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 6'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'm', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 7',  FORMAT(@Vardate, 'M', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 8'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'O', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 9',  FORMAT(@Vardate, 'R', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 10'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 's', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 11', FORMAT(@Vardate, 'S', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 12'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 't', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 13', FORMAT(@Vardate, 'T', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 14'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'u', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 15', FORMAT(@Vardate, 'U', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 16'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'Y', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 17'
SQL Format Date Example 1

SQL Server Format Date using Culture

In this example, we are going to use the third argument, culture. By this, you can display the month name or day name in the native language—something like Day name in Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Korean, etc.

SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'dd', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 1',  FORMAT(@Vardate, 'dddd', 'hi-IN' ) AS 'Result 2'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'd', 'de-DE' ) AS 'Result 3',  FORMAT(@Vardate, 'dddd', 'ru-RU' ) AS 'Result 4'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'M', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 5',  FORMAT(@Vardate, 'MMMM', 'hi-IN' ) AS 'Result 6'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'MM', 'de-DE' ) AS 'Result 7',  FORMAT(@Vardate, 'MMMM', 'ru-RU' ) AS 'Result 8'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'yy', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 9',  FORMAT(@Vardate, 'y', 'hi-IN' ) AS 'Result 10'
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'yyyy', 'de-DE' ) AS 'Result 11',  FORMAT(@Vardate, 'y', 'ru-RU' ) AS 'Result 12'
using Culture Example 2

In this section, we are going to define custom date-time formats. By this, you can determine the SQL custom formats to display the date and time.

SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'dd/mm/yyyy') AS 'date in dd/mm/yyyy Format'  
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'dd/mm/yy') AS 'date in dd/mm/yy Format' 
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'd/m/yy') AS 'date in d/m/yy Format' 
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'mm/dd/yyyy') AS 'date in mm/dd/yyyy Format' 
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'MMMM dddd yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmmm') AS 'date in MMMM dddd yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmmm Format' 
SELECT FORMAT(@Vardate, 'MMMM yyyy, dddd hh:mm:ss:mmmm') AS 'date in MMMM yyyy, dddd hh:mm:ss:mmmm Format'
Changing Custom Date Example 3

SQL Format Currency using Culture

In this case, we are going to format the Currency values based on the specified culture.

DECLARE @Sales INT = 3325 
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c', 'en-US' ) AS 'USA Currency'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c', 'ru-RU' ) AS 'Russian Currency'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c', 'hi-IN' ) AS 'Indian Currency'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c', 'de-DE' ) AS 'Indian Currency'
SQL Format Currency using Culture Example 4

In this SQL example, we use this to format the Currency. Using this approach, you can simply display the country’s Currency symbols before the Money or Value.

DECLARE @Sales DECIMAL(8, 4) = 3325.2569 
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c' ) AS 'Result 1'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c0' ) AS 'Result 2'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c1' ) AS 'Result 3'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c2' ) AS 'Result 4'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c3' ) AS 'Result 5'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c4' ) AS 'Result 6'
Change Currency to Country Specific Example 5

Sql Server Format Currency Decimals

In this example, we are going to format the decimal values in Currency using this.

DECLARE @Sales DECIMAL(8, 4) = 3325.2569 
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c', 'en-US' ) AS 'Result 1'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c0', 'hi-IN' ) AS 'Result 2'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c1', 'ru-RU') AS 'Result 3'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c2', 'fr-FR' ) AS 'Result 4'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c3', 'de-DE') AS 'Result 5'
SELECT FORMAT(@Sales, 'c4', 'zh-CN') AS 'Result 6'
Decimals Example 6

Using Culture

In this example, we will use the function to format Numbers. Culture specifies the number formats. I mean, some countries separate 100s, and others separate 1000s, etc.

DECLARE @Number DECIMAL(11, 4) = 1453325.2569 
SELECT FORMAT(@Number, 'N', 'en-US') AS 'Result 1'
SELECT FORMAT(@Number, 'N', 'en-IN' ) AS 'Result 2'
SELECT FORMAT(@Number, 'N', 'ru-RU') AS 'Result 3'
SELECT FORMAT(@Number, 'N', 'fr-FR' ) AS 'Result 4'
SELECT FORMAT(@Number, 'N', 'de-DE') AS 'Result 5'
SELECT FORMAT(@Number, 'N', 'zh-CN') AS 'Result 6'
Restrict the Decimal Numbers using Culture Argument Example 7

Format Numbers

In this example, we are going to format numbers. To format the numbers, you can use the # symbols. Or, you can also use 0 to specify the number of decimal values.

DECLARE @Number DECIMAL(10,4) = 945354.1295 
DECLARE @Num INT = 945332534 
SELECT FORMAT(@Number, '#') AS 'Result 1'
SELECT FORMAT(@Number, '#,###' ) AS 'Result 2'
SELECT FORMAT(@Number, '#.00') AS 'Result 3'
SELECT FORMAT(@Number, '#,###.000' ) AS 'Result 4'
SELECT FORMAT(@Num, '###-##-####') AS 'Result 5'
SQL Format Numbers Example 8
Categories SQL