SQL Day function will return an integer representing a specified date’s day, and the syntax is
The argument can be an expression that returns the date, or you can use the date and time directly. For this MySQL Day function example, We use this data.
SQL DAY Function Example
In this example, we will show you the possible ways to use the Day method
SELECT DAY('12-19-05') AS [DayExample 1] -- Testing with Random DateTime SELECT DAY('2015-05-14 12:29:44.513') AS [DayExample 2] -- Testing with Todays Date SELECT DAY(GETDATE()) AS [Todays Date]
In this DateTime example, we will extract the Date from the Employee table using the DATEPART and Day functions.
SELECT [EmpID] ,[FirstName] + ' '+ [LastName] AS [Full Name] ,[Occupation] ,[YearlyIncome] ,[HireDate] ,DAY([HireDate]) AS [Today] ,DATEPART (day, [HireDate]) AS [TodayFromDatePart] FROM [Employee]
As you can observe that the DATEPART and Day functions return the same result.
Remember, before Server 2012, people used the DATEPART to extract the day. But, in the 2012 version, Microsoft introduced the day function.